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Question by MichaelJesusJacksonChrist: Is Druidism a form of shamanism? How structured is it?

Best answer:

Answer by kymm r
Shamans exist within the druid community, shamans are healers.

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4 Responses to Is Druidism a form of shamanism? How structured is it?

  • kilroymaster says:

    Druidism is a form of religion.. And the so called shamanism are really priest using there so called powers to heal……. etc…………………….

  • Steve C says:

    Simple answer to both your questions is, it can be.

    You do get a Christian form of Druidry. Think the current Archbishop of Canterbury is one. So I feel Druidry is more about how you go about things/a body of lore rather than a set of beliefs. (OK so most Druids are probably pagan!)

    How structured depends very much on the particular group/sect/tradition

    OBOD seems fairly together.

    While not specifically about Druidry, IMBAS seem to have done a fair bit of (decent) research in to this dificult area of study, and seem to know their stuff. You may find this article interesting

    This is a reasonable summary of what we know of historial Druidry.

    “Druid” is a label I’m fairly comfortable with. I wouldn’t consider myself a Shaman as I’ve not been initiatied into such a tradition. Many of my beleifs would probably allow me to be labled as an Animist (which is what Shamans could also be)

  • iamxlrwolf says:

    shamans dance around calling out to the spirit world witch they enter to find things out talk to past ansesters,are like doctors in witchcarft that heal with the help of the gods they are very spiritural and are like a religon.druids are the childern of nature they stay out in the forests,and talk to the trees .MOst times they where a cloak and cary a wooden wand of some type they belive that they can heal though the forest and is also a religon.there are basicly the same apart from one belives in the spirit world and the other belives in the power of the forest so i say yes

  • working hands says:

    Druids are considerd the healers, they are pagans, shamans are healers as well but are not druids, shamans usually use animal spirit guides and druids use GODS named in nature. There are many different typyes of paganism. Enjoy looking into them. You might learn some useful things.

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