Question by brightdarkness: is it true the phrase “if u have to ask u’ll never know”?
im awndering since i got this from redhotchillipeppers bloodsugarsexmagik album, 3rd song.
Best answer:
Answer by la_tossico_vita
quite the opposite.
What do you think? Answer below!
Depends on who says it. Like if you don’t ask questions at work or in school, then how would anyone know in the first place. But if a girl says this to you, then you will never know.
hmm…well i guess you’ll never know because you just asked!
No it goes: If you don’t ask you will never know
I never found out – I forgot to ask someone….
you learn from two things…experience and questions
Unless you’re psychic, no, totally not true. Asking questions is how you learn.
The phrase is -if you don’t ask,you will never know.
no its more like if u dont ask then ull never know
I think we have to understand the implicit mean.
They´re telling us that we have to find out before asking someone about something because there is a great probability we take a wrong answer.
eeeerrrrrrrrr………….no! if you ask you will find out! duh!
i guess some how i agree with u …
if i got what u mean