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Question by joseph m: Is religion magic? Beliefs lead to behaviour, can this be false? Sagan rejected the Christian deity who `sits ?
enthroned and sees every sparrow fall` yet in the same publication(Cosmos) he features a photo of himself enthroned & in a white gown with a tame lion reclining next to him. Wasn`t he the renowned atheist/scientist of the day? Was he positing himself as the `true god`? Christianity is embraced by more than 1/3 the global population if you include Catholicism, with is Xianity because it teaches the Triune Christ crucified & resurrected.Why is Xianity growing and embraced by U.N. leaders & the down and out alike? 12 step groups stem from the Oxford groups which stem from the Anglican&Catholic churches. Are there any Xian churches endorsing terrorism and sexual mutilation and child prostitution and drug use to enslave potential victims & martyrs? Does Xianity endorse healthy, wholesome behaviour or magic? Nations & individuals who embrace Xianity thrive in this modern age!Look at whats happening in Muslim/Buddhist/Hindu nations!

Best answer:

Answer by listless
Sagan was a fool, did you ever consider that as a fact… ?
what is *Xianity* ?
It is christmas eve, you feel like pissing on christians, or would you like to leave them alone today ?
EDIT: which Christian churches hang gays for being gay, the way Iranians do ?
it is done in Iran, does it concern a bigot like yourself ?

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One Response to Is religion magic? Beliefs lead to behaviour, can this be false? Sagan rejected the Christian deity who `sits ?

  • Reverend S says:

    I can’t make sense of your question. It seems you may be ranting more than asking a question and your paragraph does not seem to have anything to do with your question.

    Is religion magic? No, religion is the belief and worship in Deity, a God or Gods and Goddesses. Does Christianity have magical beliefs? Depends on your view. Yes some consider the communion as magic believing the bread and wine or grape juice and crackers turn into the actual blood and flesh of Jesus while others see it as symbolic.

    Many Christians believe in miracles. the miracles you read in the bible and many today believe miracles happen today. You might think that is magic and possibly some Christian agree but most will say when God does it then it is a miracle not magic.

    Yes AA has roots in a Weird Christian system but AA is not Christian but is a religion unto itself. the AA god is not the bible God.The only thing AA has in common with some Christian beliefs is the modern day faith healing and even then their god gives only a daily reprieve where the Christian God heals completely and permanently.

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