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Question by Desiree: Is religion responsible for the stigma centered around sex?
It might be just an impression I have but I think that most children born to religious parents don’t have a very good understanding of the human reproduction process and the more religious the parents are, the more ignorant of sex their children generally are. Not just sex but they are generally ignorant of the whole concept of the human body being a biological machine with inherent behavioral traits, desires and instincts. It seems to me that excessively religious people prefer to encourage their children to think that people are some kind of magical creatures different to animals and above animalistic impulses but at the same time they teach children that all people are dirty disgusting sinners who should feel ashamed and guilty just for thinking bad thoughts.

What kind of affect do you think it would have if parents taught their children that we are basically just animals with instinctual impulses that we have to control in order to maintain societal behavioral standards? You know, if we told them that sex and sexual behavior is not something dirty and disgusting, what affect would this have on society?

Best answer:

Answer by Buddy R
No. There is no sigma about sex between a married heterosexual couple. God created sex to be between a man and a woman joined in marriage.

>>>You know, if we told them that sex and sexual behavior is not something dirty and disgusting<<< Religious people don't teach that. You are grossly misrepresenting what religious people teach. >>>>if parents taught their children that we are basically just animals with instinctual impulses that we have to control in order to maintain societal behavioral standards?<<< Humans are not just animals. I am sorry you don't see the dignity and glory of humanity. A single human life is worth more than the sum total of all animals that have ever been or ever will be.

What do you think? Answer below!

24 Responses to Is religion responsible for the stigma centered around sex?

  • Dreamstuff Entity says:

    For one thing, the number of teenage abortions would be lowered by about 80%, bringing it in line with modern european countries.

  • interested1208 says:

    You know, that may be just crazy enough to work!!!!

    Talk to our children… what a concept…

    Good idea…

  • mg© - anti VT™ MG AM© Fundi4Life says:

    around fornication, adultery etc sure

    sex between a married heterosexual couple is fine and good.

  • Vox Populi says:

    Look, if you want to insist that you’re an animal, fine: but remember – bestiality is against the law in most jurisdictions (except, maybe, in Wyoming)

  • Veritas says:

    You asked “What kind of affect do you think it would have if parents taught their children that we are basically just animals with instinctual impulses?”

    Well…this is basically what has been taught since the sexual revolution and here’s the effects on society:

    1. Rampant STD’s
    2. Sexual abuse of women and children on the rise
    3. Violent sexual crime on the rise
    4. Pornography on the rise
    5. Unplanned pregnancy on the rise

    So much for trying to teach about sex without a moral framework.

    And I’m not sure where you get this idea of a “sexual stigma” being pushed by religion. I’m Roman Catholic and my catechism says sex is a beautiful act of LOVE and generosity created by God to be shared between spouses.

    Through sex we cooperate with God Himself to create a new human life. How amazing!

    Pax Vobiscum+

  • EddieJ says:

    STDs are real and the reason that religions have adopted the attitudes.

  • Suzie s says:

    Not if you are married.

  • Ned F says:

    It surely is!!! No Christian is honest enough to tel you the way it is in the Bible!!!

    Forget those dirty smut books that conservative Christians always want to ban because they have hot sex stories in them! Actually the Bible has in it all the greatest dirty hot sex stories of all time. The stories are so good that the protagonists were canonized in the Holy Bible. That’s right! Holy smut stories! The Bible has lots of sex with virgins outside of marriage solely for the sake of pleasure. Supposedly the Bible is a bastion of moral values, but as you know it is also a seething caldron of rape, incest, prostitution, drugs, seduction, adultery, lots and lots of unwanted pregnancies, gross cannibalism of children, and bloody violent revenge and outright murder, it’s great! And you thought the Bible was boring? No way! Hey, it’s the Bible! So what are you going to do, censure the Bible? God Forbid!

    Hardly anybody knows the story of Leah… Leah is an alleged ancestor of Jesus. She is also one of the Matriarchs of the Israelites. Jacob was a polygamist. She paid in DRUGS to her own sister Rachel to buy some SEXUAL FAVOR from her negligent husband Jacob, another ancestor of Jesus in the first ever recorded DRUGS FOR SEX DEAL in the Bible!!! All under God’s approval, supervision and inspiration of God the Holy Ghost! The real funny episode in this story is that Jacob was married to both sisters and they seem to buy a night in bed with Jacob paying each other in drugs AND DOING DRUGS ALL IN JACOB’S FAMILY, INCLUDING THEIR CHILDREN!!! I am not saying that the Jacob family was a bunch of junkies, OK? So don’t report me… please!!! They were HOLY PEOPLE…!!!

    Marrying girls of the same family is common place in Bible times! King David is also an alleged ancestor of God the Son Jesus Christ. Among his many wives he was married to Michal and God personally added her mom to his collection of wives, too! In this particular case King David had no choice! Christians don’t teach all this Bible truth to kids in Sunday School today otherwise we would be allowed all kinds of options in our families, including but not limited to same sex marriages! Can you imagine a threesome of King David, Michal and her mother in bed to keep it all in the family? In the New Testament “SPIRIT FILLED” Church at Corinth a young man was having sex with his own mother and THE WHOLE CHURCH WAS PROUD OF IT! Saint Paul didn’t condemn the mother for having sex with her son at all. He only reprimanded the son maybe for not looking for a younger sex partner!!! How kinky can you get in the Bible stories, especially in the New Testament where it really counts??? No surprisingly we have this SEX for DRUGS deal in the Bible that NO PRUDE PREACHER WANTS TO TALK ABOUT!!!

    Genesis 30:15-16 (NIV) But she said to her, “Wasn’t it enough that you took away my husband? Will you take my son’s mandrakes too?” “Very well,” Rachel said, “he can sleep with you tonight in return for your son’s mandrakes.”* (*Check “mandrake” in Wikipedia! It is a hallucinogenic drug plant. Leah’s son was obviously a very knowledgeable teenager, too!) So when Jacob came in from the fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. “You must sleep with me,” she said. “I have hired you with my son’s mandrakes.” So he slept with her that night.* (*they probably had plenty of mandrakes to go around that night, too…! Surely Rachel didn’t keep all the mandrakes for herself. Rachel turned out to be quite a dominatrix!) Not even Hustler magazine would publish such a Bible stories promoting a particular drug. The morality of most of these raunchy publications is commendable!!!

    The Bible people were doing the kinkiest drugs and sex all along in the Bible stories. From inhaling the smoke of “burning bushes” to doing some mushroom specialties as depicted by the mushroom shaped bonnets that the High Priests of God’s Holy Temple wore on their heads! God prescribed hard liquor offering to be poured on the altar of the LORD, too. No wonder the Bible God is so psychedelically oriented… and the theologians today go crazy trying to figure out what is that God has to say in the Bible INSTEAD OF GOING DIRECTLY TO THE SOURCE TO FIND OUT FOR THEMSELVE… AND MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU…!!! It is said that drugs make you feel one nature with God!!! You must bear in mind that for the first 300 years since the inauguration of the Temple of Solomon it was fully equipped with shrines for male and female prostitutes! So when Jesus went about saying, “my Father and I are one” he must have meant something more than just plain Holy rhetoric… If you do any Bible research work you MUST consider ALL PRECEDENTS and clues in the Bible! That is why I dropped out of Christianity!

  • Lela A says:

    the Bible is full of good sex education, what happens in and out of marriages.
    As a Christian mother, I taught my children good sex education, and allowed them to learn it in high school as well as from a Christian point of view, they have a full understanding of sex

  • True believer says:

    Yes I agree religion has told you that you should be married to do anything sexual. Well then came the sexual revolution and people found out that that was not true they could do what ever they wanted. A lot of old prudes came up with the answer theat you should be married first alot of people got married and then found out they did not even like each other much less love each other but were stuck

  • Here I Am says:

    Parents teach their children what they need to know, such as how to pick up after ones self, how to prepare a meal, what is acceptable behavior in home and in school.
    The bible was written for mankind to read, get the sense of it and live by it. Why? Because Jehovah is our Creator, he gave our parents the ability to pro-create and to instruct.
    Jehovah like wise, as the Creator of all things, communicates with us threw his written word and tell us what he expects from us.
    So to answer your question, Jehovah has given mankind direction on sex issues and it’s proper place.
    When people practice what the bible teaches, there would not be children born out of wed lock nor would there be any STD’s or people dieing from AIDS.

  • Emperor of New Cydonia says:

    I don’t know if I agree that Christian ignorance or negligence is the same as calling it “dirty and disgusting”. I think that perhaps “sinful desires, wrongful lust sort” is more of what you meant.

    I was raised in that type of situation so I think feelings such as guilt, fear of judgement, and being unacceptably nasty would be closer to non-existent and that people would feel much better about themselves.

  • imdebrathegreat says:

    Well, I think it may have started with the fact that sex causes babies and diseases. In the distant past, birth control wasn’t an option and condoms weren’t either. If sex causes babies and disease, the answer was to abstain. I think it’s as simple as that. Have you ever had a baby Desiree? It hurts like hell and also i’d like to say that spreading your rear around in those days could mean starvation for you and your child. Why? Men won’t care for offspring that isn’t theirs. Thus, the stigma against sex was born.

  • Sophia says:

    My parents are uber-religious, but they taught me that sex was one of the greatest things in the world–and that’s why it should be saved for the person you love enough to commit to for the rest of your life. It’s not because it’s dirty or bad, but because it is so much more wonderful with someone you have a lasting love with.

    I don’t think that mature people have such a skewed vision of sexuality as you mention; but there are an awful lot of immature and non-thinking people out there. Some are religious, some are not.

    Some restrictions are probably better for society as a whole–look how many unwanted pregnancies we have now, and imagine how many more there would be if we told kids who weren’t ready to handle the consequences that sex should be a free-for-all.

  • CrG says:

    Your basic assumptions are invalid. You assume that most or all Christians view sex as dirty. Wrong! Most of us are reluctant to discuss intimate matters in an objective manner. Few of us believe that it is dirty and disgusting.
    If you eliminate your wildly incorrect and negative assumptions about Christians, how does that change your vilifying argument?

  • Jackie P says:

    What makes you think us “religious” people think sex is disgusting???? We don’t! Ever read Song of Solomon? We teach that sex is a gift from God for a couple. Not as animals who can’t control themselves- they are at the mercy of their instinct.

    We don’t say sex is bad- just that we are NOT animals and sex comes with a LOT of responsibility- called babies! Babies are not to be taken lightly. How many abortions are performed all over the world nowadays? How many men will tell you they are paying thru the nose for their bit o fun sex…. and the ladies acting like “ooooo you don’t EVEN CARE ’bout your baby” (some of the men don’t)

    How many women are on welfare because of THEIR choice to have all this sex then society has to pay them??? Hey where’s is OUR choice???

    The STD’s…. I have never even WORRIED about getting an STD whatsover. Never. That is the beauty of monogamy. Herpes and warts and AIDS… what a lovely wedding present to give a spouse from your previous paramours!

    And you are so wrong about religious married people not having great and lots of sex.

  • Alan says:

    Religious or not, the flawed notion of bring a baby into the world without the backup system of home and family should be obvious. Wanton fornication without some kinds of mores should be considered grossly antisocial even in the most primitive societies. Without mores there are such beastly goings on as fornication within the close family among parent and child, etc. Now, what was it that you preferred?

  • Graciela says:

    You are absolutely correct. The part you left out, though, is how religion especially teaches people to fear female sexuality the most of all. Women are told that it is unnatural to think about sex, and that their only value is in virginity. People are animals, and like all animals, we desire sex because it propagates the species. We also have natural desires to have a variety of partners to better our chances of having successful, healthy offspring. Religions are mostly concerned with having women be virgins just so men can be sure their wives only have children for them. It’s a somewhat effective means of social control, but in the end it’s hard to beat the instincts given to us by mother nature.

  • prairiecrow says:

    It depends on the religion. Wicca and most other NeoPagan faiths, for example, are very open and accepting about sexuality, and view it as a healthy and necessary part of life.

    Please don’t make the mistake of believing that all religions are just like Christianity (which is what you seem to be addressing here).

  • AutumnLilly says:

    I recommend reading Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

    Sex is a wonderful and beautiful thing. The human body is a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is people who treat sex and the body as dirty and disgusting. The human body should be treated with love and dignity.

    Now, I bet you immediately jumped to conclusions when you saw that the author of Theology of the Body was a pope. What could a chaste and celibate pope know about sex? I think you’d be very surprised what he has to say….

  • nysenutz says:

    Everything you say has sound logic behind it. Yes, it’s a Case of ignorance begetting ignorance. But do not fool yourself. Parents are unqualified, the MOST unqualified, for teaching their own children about sex. They are too embarrassed. They cannot do it and just put it off. Result is that what their children do get to know comes to them straight from the gutter. What you propose should be a compulsory school course for teenagers, carrying on into attitudes of living.

    Alcoholism wrecks the lives of everybody in the family, not just the drunk. Life skills., another compulsory course. What about courting? Where do teenagers go for help. On Answers. they should be taught about choosing a mate. A bitchy female is hell bent on destroying whatever male who will not submit to her. Gosh, a girl just has to wink at a fella and he’s head over heels in love. Whoa, Neddy. that’s not love, it isn’t even lust. That’s only overactive hormones. They cause big problems, too.

    I’ll get off my soapbox now and thank you for the opportunity to air off. Maybe Mr. Obama can generate this into domestic policy and lead the world in human relations.

  • nazbak says:

    We cant teach our children that we are basically animals, in that case our children will start living like animals which our society cant tolerate. If we told them sex and sexual behavior between married man and woman is not something dirty and disgusting but heavenly gift , our children will learn to behave properly in society.

  • Original Christian says:

    Grate book that I fund I recomeded to any one.

    Pure Love
    by Jason Evert

    “Do you want real love?”

    If genuine love has escaped you thus far, if think you’ve already found that perfect someone, or if regrets and confusion have made you wonder if the love you’ve dreamed of really exists, the following pages have been written for you.

    If you’re like me, you’ve been told that sex is bad. But when you ask why, you hear something like, “It’s just bad, so don’t do it,” or “You’ll get a disease or get pregnant!” While I’m sure you realize that sex has its consequences—and they might be bad if they happen—these reasons aren’t always convincing.

    Our generation has been taught how to avoid venereal infections, but what we really want to know is how to find, build, and maintain a relationship of real love. Sex is supposed to be a great gift, so it’s easy to get tired of hearing about the diseases and unwed pregnancy rates. If you’re ready for a different approach, and you want the gift of sex to be as great as it was meant to be, read on.

    “How do I find love?”

    Everyone wants love. Everyone longs to give himself or herself to another. We’re made for love, and that need in us is so deep that many would rather risk getting pregnant or getting an STD than live without love. We may be willing to take these risks because the world tells us that sex equals love. Then we see relationships in which sex destroyed love, and we wonder what went wrong. The only solution capable of breaking through this hurt and confusion is the virtue known as chastity.

    “What’s chastity?”

    Chastity is a virtue (like courage or honesty) that applies to a person’s sexuality. It means that you take all of your sexual desires and order them according to the demands of real love. For example, when you love a person, you make whatever sacrifice is best for them and you do whatever is necessary to keep from harming them. Chastity means that you take this definition of love and apply it to sex.

    Some think that chastity simply means “no sex.” But that’s abstinence: focusing on what you can’t do and can’t have. Chastity is what you can do and can have, right now: a lifestyle that brings freedom, respect, peace, and even romance—without regret. Chastity frees a couple from the selfish attitude of using each other as objects, thus making them capable of true love.
    “How do you know when it’s love?”

    “What if we really love each other?”

    “How can it be wrong if no one gets hurt?”

    “What if we’re both okay with it?”

    “But what’s wrong with sex if the relationship leads to marriage?”

    “Is other stuff okay, as long as we don’t have sex?”

    “Isn’t everybody doing it?”

    “Who would want to save sex for marriage?”

    “What if I’m not a virgin?”

    “Can God forgive you if you’ve already had sex?”

    “If we aren’t going to have sex, how far can we go?”

    “What if I want to be free to do whatever I want?”

    “Won’t chastity ruin the excitement of dating?”

    “What about pornography? I’m not hurting anyone.”

    “What about masturbation?”

    “Is homosexuality a sin?”

    “What about safe sex?”

    “What if I’m sexually active now?”

    “How do I say ‘no’?”

    “How do I avoid mistakes in the future?”

    “Does how I dress make a difference in how a guy treats me?”

    “If a guy has a bad imagination, isn’t that his problem?”

    “How do I stay pure?”

    “As a guy, isn’t having a pure mind impossible?”

    “How is purity possible?”

    “What does God say?”

    “What is real love?”

    “Will impurity really affect my relationship with God?”

    “What’s so bad about impurity?”

    “But could God ever forgive me?”

    “What is God’s will for me?”

    “What do I do now?”

    Other books;
    Kinsey’s Stranglehold on Sex Education
    By Susan Brinkmann

  • Methooselah says:

    Desi as much as it baffles me to even say this… there are limits to our libidinous nature for good reasons…

    Nearly all sexual taboos have their origins in evolutionary adaptation

    Incest – leads to high proportion of infertility as the end as to prevent inbreeding and maximise genetic diversity

    Men have a sexual preference for pedomorphic characteristics (NOT pedophillia)… meaning young chicks! cos your chicks are more fertile than ones

    Men are averse to pedophillia because spring chicks! are too young to give birth and will have difficulties managing the birth and the offspring at such an immature age… hence it makes to evolutionary sense to mate with children…

    Other than these main innate sexual traits.. the rest is up to society to contrain and enforce….!

    The interesting thing in evolutionary psychology is the courtship behaviours… Men with fast cars, square jaws, facial hair and women playing hard to get… Women pretending to not like it!… There is an evolutionary story behind this too!!!

    ONCE again the only GOD that I would ever worship is EVOLUTIONARY THEORY… IT ALL MAKES PERFECT SENSE!

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