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Ridiculous. Come on RIM! Release App World wherever you sell BlackBerry’s. Do it now. Or close it entirely. And take a long, hard look at the application development tools for the BlackBerry while you’re at it. The desktop management of the iPhone is another area that RIM really needs to take a lesson from Apple on. I’m not a fan of iTunes, not the attempted subterfuge of indicating Safari as a Mandatory update. But iTunes, either on PC or Mac, works the same. You can integrate the synchronisation of music, photos, applications, whatever, and there’s no implied judgement on your desktop operating system of choice. There’s a Mac version, there’s a PC version. Oh and there’s even open source versions for your favourite Linux derivative. But what Operating System do you have to use to upgrade a BlackBerry. Windows. And even with the latest version of software upgrade tools, what web browser do you HAVE to use? Internet Explorer on Windows. Come on RIM. If you even had half a grain of salts worth of wisdom here, you would have written the latest update tool for FIREFOX, which at least does run on Windows, Mac and Linux. I hadn’t heard that Canada was the land of Windows. And while you’re in the decision-making mode, how about you nail down what products you’re going to sell. From Apple, theres the iPhone, either 3G or the 3Gs. They look the same, operate the same, run the same software, have the same input adapters. RIM sells four styles of BlackBerry – full keypad, reduced keypad, no keypad, and the flipphone. Oh, and software for the Storm (no keypad) won’t easily run on anything else. Oh, and just change the power adapter to the new “standard”. And the features for each new BlackBerry seem to depend on the phase of the moon, the availability of

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