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vestal virgins, buckets of goats blood, red candles, and a single silver bell. Why, oh why, RIM, don’t all of your current devices have 3G? Wireless? GPS? External SD Card slot? Flash on the Camera? I can understand the desire to have different products for different markets, but there are certain things that just should be standardized on AND THEN LEFT ALONE! You’re just making it harder for your internal Operating Systems development teams. Pick a standard feature set, and then stick to it. If it’s hard for me to recommend which BlackBerry to get then it must be nigh on impossible for the Telco’s who sell them. Just recently, an Australian telco had a print ad in a major newspaper for BlackBerrys, and the specs were wrong (No, the Storm does not have Wifi, you know who you are, my favourite Telco you!) Perhaps it is the lack of clarity in product direction that causes this final issue – a lack of innovation. I mean, how easy is it to come up with new features when the target platform keeps changing? I found an old 7-series BlackBerry laying around. After managing to find yet a third variant of USB connector cable and charging it up, lo and behold, the 3.x version of the operating system and interface was almost identical to that of my Bold running the latest O/S. I guess there is that old adage “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it”, but that old adage is just that: old. There are many areas where time has caught up and broken the BlackBerry, and shows its age. Web Browsing on a BlackBerry is about as enjoyable as giving yourself a papercut and dipping it in lemon juice and salt. Compare this experience to the native web browsers on an iPhone, or even a Windows Mobile device, and the experience is markedly different. HTML Email is another area,

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