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of USB connector cable and charging it up, lo and behold, the 3.x version of the operating system and interface was almost identical to that of my Bold running the latest O/S. I guess there is that old adage “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it”, but that old adage is just that: old. There are many areas where time has caught up and broken the BlackBerry, and shows its age. Web Browsing on a BlackBerry is about as enjoyable as giving yourself a papercut and dipping it in lemon juice and salt. Compare this experience to the native web browsers on an iPhone, or even a Windows Mobile device, and the experience is markedly different. HTML Email is another area, where time does weary the BlackBerry – even if I wanted to hardset the BlackBerry to download email-based images, I can’t. And don’t get me started on the limitation of the size of attachments – If I want to download the attachment then let me download it. Streaming media, its about time to get on it. AJAX and Web 2.0 – it’s no longer cutting edge.

So, how long can Research In Motion keep serving up more cans of Who-hash? Yesterdays software isn’t going to cut it in the workplace of tomorrow. Hey, it’s barely cutting it today.

Steve Ollis is a self-professed geek, who is amazed that he gets paid for something he loves so much. His blog can be found at The IT Juggler

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