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Is Salvia Divinorum A Healer?

Salvia Divinorum (SD), also popularly known as Sage plant, is very popular among the Shamans of Mexico. The plant is also known by various other names such as Magic Mint, Sage of Seers, Maria Pastora, Diviners Sage and Sally D.

This Mexican herb, a known psychotherapy supplement, has been identified to have positive effects on various complicated human disease like cardiovascular diseases, AIDs and even cancer. It has also shown therapeutic signs on patients of alcohol, cocaine, heroin, morphine, nicotine, tobacco or amphetamine addiction, severe pain, Alzheimer, Schizophrenia and insomnia. Studies have proved the Salvia Divinorum as a non-toxic and non-addictive herb.

It also works as a toxin remover from the skin and works well on some common hot skin problems like acne and boils. It soothes inflammation, too. It has been in use to prevent heart diseases in China for decades. It improves blood circulation in myocardium and provides protection against cardiovascular diseases. Chinese even use it for treating menstrual problems. More medical research on SD’s therapeutic effects have shown relaxation from some other human disorders like stress, bipolar disorder, attention deficit, depression, anxiety, etc.

SD’s psychedelic effects, which it is more popular for, include memory retrieval, self realization, introspective, blissful and trance like states such as weightless floating in the space. It is said to take its users from nether confinement to ether liberation.

There are different methods of taking Salvia Divinorum. Earlier its leaves were crushed to extract juice. Some would boil its leaves with water to prepare a tea-like concoction from it.  People who were used to of

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