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Question by thomas_martin_2005: Is sex at all sacred anymore to women?
I would say I am old fashioned but i do not think I am. The girls I know, with a few exceptions, seem to go out and pick up a guy to sleep with. Not everyday or anything but once in a while just for sex. I was wondering if any girls actually think sex matters anymore or if it is just something to do. I personally will not have sex with someone that I am not in love with, some might call that sad or think I am just a loser, I do not really care. But I wanted to know if any girls think sex is sacred. Also, saying you are in love with a guy you have known for less than 6 months is probably not true, so I include you in the one night stand group.
What is going on? I did not once say that only women had to keep it sacred nor do they, I wondered if any of you did. I am well aware that guys are sluts just like many girls. I in no way said that men are monogamous, why do people become offended like *Cara*. just answer the fucking question without making assumptions about me. And its not ignorance to group the 6 month bracket people. If you fall in love in six months, you are ignorant to your partners flaws.

Best answer:

Answer by hahaha
stop grouping people, people do what they want to do, we live in a nation of spoiled selfish brats

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5 Responses to Is sex at all sacred anymore to women?

  • lay it out says:

    it is sacred to me i have seen many of my friends just lay down with anyone and i could never do that i believe i am worth more than that i just wish they felt the same!

  • *Cara* says:

    Who do you think these girls are having sex with? GUYS. Why is it just girls that have to hold sex sacred? Guys go out and do the exact same thing? Talk about generalizing. And no, us “girls” are not all like that. Keep your 1950’s opinion to yourself.

  • MathsHelp says:

    You have to realise that women want sex as much as men do. They’re just socially conditioned not to instigate filth or they’ll be named as the ‘scorn of society’. They love sex a s much as we do….and on that bodypart, there are ten times more nerve endings than anything that a guy has..

  • amch says:

    you really dont know anything at all if youre saying that you cant be in love in under six months. i think many people (myself included) would dissagree with you, and you need to chill out a little bit about the “one night stand” group. thats just ignorance

  • littlelady2340 says:

    l’m not looking up statistics but l know the incidence of STDs in young girls is staggering.
    Single motherhood of young women who have had no chance to grow and develop their own personality is in vogue and l have heard of no abortion providers going out of business for lack of customers.
    HIV and AIDS are epidemic in Afro-American women.

    Casual sex has consequences.
    A woman is beaten or raped in US every 7 seconds.
    The rate of rape is through the roof including unreported date rape.

    All that is because the sexual force is more powerful in young men than in young women, who are simply ignorant of the connections between the biological urge to mate in the male and his animal brain which may take control.
    If he thinks he’s been led on to believe a woman has given consent and then it doesn’t end as he expects and he feels humiliated he may just slink away, but then maybe he won’t.

    Girls who play at sex are playing a dangerous game they’re unaware of and they are quite vulnerable to losing.

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