by michaelrighi
Question by simple: is sex sacred for you?
why do others treat sex as just a game…
Best answer:
Answer by Pratik
Sex isn’t exactly “sacred” to me but it’s one of the things that I don’t play around with. I don’t “fvck and run,” I don’t pretend that the girl I’m having sex with is someone else, I treat her gently except when she wants it hard, and so on.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
i dunno never tries it
It isn’t all that sacred. It is to be enjoyed, but don’t put too much value on it.
The best sex is when two souls communicate.
Sex is important but I don’t think I would say it’s sacred.Others treat sex as a game because it is just that- a game to them. If it’s not a game to you then good for you. Everyone has different morals and needs.
Because in a world where evolution is starting to prevail, its kinda hard to believe in morals. If you believe in morals then you have to admit that there is some good or bad force. Technically we are nothing but highly evolved animals anyway, right? Well, its a good thing I dont believe in that.
i d dn’t get a chance till now to findout whtis sex
Its called horomones.
no sex is not sacred to me but it is fun, and enjoyable but has a definate serious side good question though well done
yes very. i hate how in books and stuff, bf and gf’s talk about it like its just some thing to figure out when to do, like its no big deal. i believe u should wait until your married. its amazing how many people probably dont even think about waiting until theyre married. people dont respect God and their bodies and just the whole sacredness of it enough i think.
Life might be a game. I don’t think it’s whether it’s a game or not that’s important, but whether it’s treated as cheap or not.
Just because something is sacred doesn’t mean it has to be grimly serious. I think it should be treated with respect and responsibly though.
for us it is
its not sacred to me, the neighbors can hear 😉
people treat it as a game cuz i guess thats what us humans do until we find that special one
Absolutely! Giving your love away is not good for you or them, it becomes a temporary gratification that will only leave you wet and alone.
Seek total fulfillment from your mate, and in return you will receive much more than just the actual gratification in return. Love yourself enough to want to receive respect, truth and total satisfaction. Good Luck!
because they(some of them) think “its only for fun”
in my opinion making love is really important, as the word says it involves emotions, feelings, en conclusion love. having sex its the act of getting some pleasure without feelings in the middle.
so, the answer to your question, yes for me “sex” is sacred.
I believe sex is sacred, not only am I respectful to my body, I believe sex is meant for 2 ppl who are married(religion reasons)Sex these days are just a game and point system for some ppl, which is so sad. I believe it has alot to do with self esteem issues, and peer pressure. Which of course leads to un wanted pregnancies and STD`s
There is something irreplaceable about being with a certain person at that time and place, it’ll never be exactly that way again, so I’d probably say unique rather than sacred.It’s definitely not a game, but sacred….When I was younger and first had sex, I remember thinking how beautiful, fun and exciting it was, like a whole new world had opened up, and there was nothing to compare to that particular closeness, and looking back, that’s still how I feel today. Is it unique and precious, yes, is it something I want to build a sacred altar to, no probably not.
yep it is sacred only if you have it with your only partner not many…..