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Question by heartbreakerkid: Is the album One Hot Minute worth buying?
i have Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication.

Best answer:

Answer by Nintendouche
all the fans slate it saying its crap as it had Dave Navarro and not John but its epic

favourite songs from the album

Falling into Grace
Coffee Shop
My Friends
One Big Mob

What do you think? Answer below!

7 Responses to Is the album One Hot Minute worth buying?

  • Milly P says:

    Yes. I have it and I think it’s pretty awsome. It’s worth it.

  • Paperbag Writer [Wonderwall] says:

    It’s a very different album because Dave Navarro plays guitar on it, not John Frusciante. Reaction to it was mixed, though it has its fans and is a notable part of RHCP history.

    Still, if Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Californication are the only RHCP albums you own, One Hot Minute shouldn’t be the third. I recommend you buy Freaky Styley, Mother’s Milk, or even Stadium Arcadium next.

  • DB says:

    None of their albums are worth buying AT ALL!

  • MegaQuail246 says:

    Not really, I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers a lot, and in my opinion it isn’t that good of an album.

    However, Aeroplane is an awesome song.

  • Dream .. * <3 says:

    Yeah, its worth it. Like everyones said, it dosn’t have John, but its still pretty damn awesome.
    ^ One Hot Minute
    ^ Coffee Shop

  • The HedZter says:

    If you only have those other two, I wouldn’t get this album next. I would recommend an album from their “funkier” era (Self-titled, Freaky Styley, Uplift Mofo Party Plan, or Mother’s Milk). If you preferred Californication to BSSM, I’d suggest you go for By The Way or Stadium Arcadium.

    It’s not a bad album, some of the tracks on it are personal favorites of mine (Shallow Be Thy Game, Aeroplane, Coffee Shop), but it’s the least RHCP-sounding album, because of Dave Navarro’s contributions to the album.

    So my answer would be that it’s worth buying, but not if you only have these two other albums.

  • C-Stylee (Alligator) says:

    Good question, here’s a star and my opinion.

    Most RHCP fans think OHM is a HORRIBLE album. I’d like to try some of the drugs they are on, because while it is not the best, it definitely is not horrible!

    Opposite early RHCP, this is an album where they really started to shift into alternative. They still had a taste of funk in them, but not much. I believe that OHM is definitely worth buying. Really, there isn’t an RHCP album that isn’t worth buying! If you like Californication, chances are you’ll like OHM, too. I’m not saying they are similar albums, but I would dub them both as the “alternative RHCP” (as opposed to funky RHCP)

    Why not sample some songs from OHM, if you really want to know whether it’s worth buying or not?

    Deep Kick




    Coffee Shop

    Falling into Grace

    Californication is my favorite RHCP album. I believe that OHM can be somewhat of an acquired taste for some people, so there are other avenues you could explore and be just as satisfied. By The Way is a great album, as is Stadium Arcadium. Mother’s Milk is another good one to pick up. Honestly though, you can’t go wrong with any RHCP album, and OHM is no exception.

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