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Question by INEND: I’ve recently converted to Christianity. What groups of people do I need to hate*?
* footnote: of course when I say hate, I don’t actually hate them, I just hate the metaphysical badness about them and their nature, and actively campaign to curtail the rights thereof. Any associated “hatred” that is employed by myself and all other associated parties is actually Jesus’ love.

Best answer:

Answer by peter g
Thanks for ridiculing my faith. Feel better now?

What do you think? Answer below!

49 Responses to I’ve recently converted to Christianity. What groups of people do I need to hate*?

  • wade hard at work says:

    Dont know about that but just keep letting the gov. work on it and well all be part of a hate crime

  • K says:

    Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, Michael Moore, Jewish people (oh wait- Jesus was a Jew?) , atheists, agnostics, satanists, pagans, people who listen to the “devil’s music”, heavy metal fans (unless it’s Christian metal), Marilyn Manson, those who fight for and/or believe in separation of church and state, maybe some more I am forgetting…

  • Tanya B says:

    Thanks for ridiculing Peter G’s faith. I know I feel better! I love this question! Lets see… Gay people, democrats, single mothers, working mothers, immigrants, any people with the gall to practice any other faith. That’s about all for now. I’ll think of more I’m sure… Definitely start with us gays. We are of course at fault for everything wrong with the world.

  • Isaac E says:

    nobody really because it says in the bible to love your enemies and Christianity tries to make peace.

  • Jake B says:

    you must not hate anyone if you have turned to christianity…..
    You must know that.

  • opinionated says:


  • Ms. Taurus says:

    Everyone who’s beliefs are not exactly like yours. That even includes other Christians who church teaches a couple things slightly diffrently.

  • Everard G says:

    Basically I think y’all just hate anyone who isn’t in your group.

  • miraclemaxlovesme says:

    It is funny how Jesus says to love thy neighbour and stuff. All the wars are started over religion. Jesus was trying to teach that everyone should be included. But you get fundamentalists in every religion that think they are always right. But technically you aren’t supposed to hate anyone. BTW, what did you convert from?

  • Solly NOR?CAL R&S says:

    PBS and The ACLU

  • UriK says:

    Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Wiccans, Homosexuals, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, those of any eastern religion, “Liberals”, Agnostics, and anyone with an IQ above 110 since they will generally question the mythos which Christianity is based upon. Oh and every other denomination that interprets the Bible slightly differently than your sect as well.

  • hanafi s says:

    pople. i mean popes. i mean pople’s people!

  • coach says:


  • Mrs. Griffin says:

    Do not hate anyone but hate their acts of sin. Always show the love of Christ, but give them the word of God concerning their situation.

  • Chris S says:

    hating people is not what jesus wants, love everyone and give people a good example of what christians are supposed to be like and you can lead more people to follow christianity by good example

  • SirWilliam says:

    …Read Matthew, Chapter 5 vs. 1 thru 20.

  • Tonya L says:

    the bible say “show love to all” and “hate what is bad.” love the people hate their action. 1 corathians 6:9-10 and galations 5 19-22 show actions god hates

  • sdfoiuwervcleiurfsaasdasdfawerdg says:


  • carsomyr74 says:

    I would have to say that if you have SINCERELY made the step, your first priority should be to ask for forgiveness and repent. Get yourself in order and right with Jesus. It’s not our place to judge and definitely not harbor hate toward anyone or a group. Rather, pray for them that they may be given the chance to also hear the truth. Remember “he who is without sin, cast the first stone” Not one of us should be casting stones at another. Ask for forgiveness, repent (turn away from sin) and let the Lord handle the rest. Have faith, hope and read the word. =)

  • Rev Z says:

    It is obvious from your question that you did not convert.
    There is nothing there to suggest you got the gospel message.
    Christianity is INCLUSIVE and excludes no one, so there is no one to hate.
    Love your neighbor as you love yourself
    # Luke 10:29
    But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” The questioned has already been asked pick up a bible and check out the answer.
    People have created rule and interpretations and think they need to act for God in negative and hateful ways but they are all wrong and may be goats. (Matt 25:36ff)
    So if you hate you do so without Jesus.

    I noticed may people offered list of someone to hate.
    Wars are started with religious emphasis and “God on our side” cries. God has not started a war since biblical times.
    Those were for specific reasons. Notice, Israel isn’t doing so hot these days.

    The people of the book would be able to come to understanding it is the people of the governments that have problems.

  • bastaspasta says:

    Your not to hate anyone.
    You do not have to agree with everyone’s morals.
    You should know the difference between good morals,modesty, decency, and those that are not.
    Use the Holy Bible as your guide.

  • Aya Rose says:

    Gays, Gnostics, Jews, Catholics and/or non-Catholics, Atheists, Buddhists, your children, your children’s children, Koreans, McDonalds, Doctors, Scientists, Hollywood, Democrats, Republicans, Everything Jesus said that disagrees with you, Unitarians, Mormons, the entire Asian continent, Women, all humanity that is sinful and unclean, and yourself.

  • dyslexic dog says:

    Gays, transgendered people, gender queers, atheists, anybody from a different religion, democrats…

    You’re free to support bigotry, though, so that’s a plus! LOL

  • bored says:

    Do you become a christian to hate people?
    you shouldn’t become anyone then.
    hate your becoming.

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