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Question by INEND: I’ve recently converted to Christianity. What groups of people do I need to hate*?
* footnote: of course when I say hate, I don’t actually hate them, I just hate the metaphysical badness about them and their nature, and actively campaign to curtail the rights thereof. Any associated “hatred” that is employed by myself and all other associated parties is actually Jesus’ love.

Best answer:

Answer by peter g
Thanks for ridiculing my faith. Feel better now?

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49 Responses to I’ve recently converted to Christianity. What groups of people do I need to hate*?

  • mysterywoman101 says:


  • strawberry says:

    don’t hate anyone. the Bible tells us not to judge…more christians need to learn that

  • cub6265 says:

    Start with the gays. They love to crucify us first.

  • degüello says:

    It really doesn’t matter, as long as you get out there and do it.

  • neverendingstory says:

    the lgbt community.

  • D S says:

    Start with hating yourself

  • General Atheist says:


  • Scott the duckling says:

    How about we accept other people’s religions?
    Let’s just all be tolerant of other’s beliefs. After all, all beliefs have similarities.

  • Lucifer J Satan says:

    Probably start with us atheists, then move to homosexuals, pro choice lobbyists then mormons.
    Should keep you busy for a while.

  • betina says:


  • Uncle Festus says:

    Everyone with different beliefs or color. It is the christian way.

  • stellar says:

    i dont understand. if Jesus loves everyone, then why arethere groups of people you need to hate?

  • perfectlybaked says:

    LOL I thought this was a sarcastic question. The groups you need to be the most wary of are false Christians. They give a bad name to Christianity, and they also mislead.

    There is only one true church. The Bible specifically mentions sects as one of the main obstacles in our modern day. I’m not even gonna bother with who is true. If you read the Bible, you should know.

  • ? Queen of Thumbs up Fairies ? says:

    We are not amused. Off with his head! ;-?

  • Galactic Iguana says:

    all the non-christians essentially and the gays

  • Queen of the Universe says:

    Jesus said to hate the sin but love the sinner. So I think you need to read the bible because you are definitely confused about some things.

  • datruth304 says:

    Dont hate anyone, the bible says not to hate anyone. but if your going to hate someone make it satan.

  • dementwood says:

    We are in a politically correct world now so you need to hate everyone

  • inquisitive says:

    christians don’t hate anybody. in fact we try to follow jesus’s lead and help all.

  • Jesikuh says:

    Gays. Democrats. Catholics. Any other religion. Atheists. Pro-choice folk. Scientists. JK Rowling/Harry Potter fans.

  • freewilley98 says:

    actually the only people god hates are those who take his name in vain, and disparage him, but that is gods Biblical perogative not mine.

    Every religion has something in it you can make fun of or attack if you really want to do so, yet you only focus on what you feel concerning Christianity alone,….hmm…

    I love you, brother.

  • Laptop Jesus, 2.3 says:

    Lots of Christians are fine if you don’t hate anyone!

    To be a “True Christian” ™, you need to hate Mormons, Catholics, Anyone Who Isn’t In Your Faith, Uppity Women, Demoncrats, Non-fox news watchers, People Who Read the Wrong Kinds of Books, People Who Listen To Music With Too Much Drums, Anybody Who Hates Country (Except the Dixie Chicks, You Can Hate Them), People Who Dance or Drink Beer, Homosexuals, Liberals, People Who Don’t Go To Christian Universities, People Who Drive Hybrid Cars.

    Other than that, you’re good!

  • Nancy Pee says:

    You must learn that your church has the right way and the other churches are wrong. Each pastor has a different take on the details and it is an endless battle betwixt one and another. Make sure your children never learn about alternative views and keep our focus very narrow and do not tolerate any other views. That should always keep you together and fighting many common enemies. God is on your side and against all the other hypocrites and liars.

  • Old Man fron Scene 24 says:

    Anything not like you. Also, anything like you that makes you feel like you aren’t better than them.

  • contactcandyhere says:

    WOW! Maybe you should get over the whole victim thing first, then look at spirituality. Just a thought…

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