The Historical Information is accurate but its up to you to do your own research and check all things against the Word of God the 1611 King James Version. Details the origins of many Pagan Practices that are practiced today by Catholics and Christians you are unaware of their real meanings. The Roman Catholic Church is pagan in origin and has nothing in common with Biblical Christianity. Salvation is by Grace alone, By Faith Alone, By Jesus Christ Alone !!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
this is true
And they changed the Sabbath, and keep those Pagan celebrations. And the Protestants keep these as well. How many are deceived? Many.
@redletterchurch Good connection you made. I also believe that it is best to follow your free will which includes untainted version of Jesus. I respect that
@Unknow022 Akhenaton was instrumental in establishing a Monopoly on Monotheism. What I worry about is who had a Monopoly on Akhenaton – and who presently has a Monopoly on Obamanaton. The problem is that Protestantism (including SDA) is based heaviliy upon Catholicism – which is based heavily on ancient Babylon, Egypt, and Rome. The Teachings of Jesus somehow got lost in the shuffle. I really don’t think this was an accident – and it betrays who really runs this world – and who runs the church.
@redletterchurch Look Up Akhenaton and the cult of Atun I hope that sets you free
oh dear
pagan origins is the only thing good about christianity/catholisthism,even tho they stole the traditions and the mythology around the sun,but the bible is just a book and its stories were stolen from earlier pagan myth,the origins of the jesus myth is well documented,so dont be fooled when you worship jesus youre worshiping the solar god,the world is pagan and should be pagan,its the diversity and richness of cultures past,its based on natural phenomena and the observation of natural cycles
uhhh yeah…”SUN”-day worship. The name alone gives its self away.
wow, this is great stuff.. this reveals the truth… keep it up…
Focus on the actual Teachings of Jesus. The Religion of Jesus is a Religion of Responsibility. This is the truth which will set us free…and keep us free.
Greetings from the Lord Jesus Christ. May the love and peace of God be upon you. I AM the one chosen by God to be the King Of Kings and Lord of Lords. My plan is to establish a Kingdom that spans the entire globe wherein believers in God are united as one and seperated away from the ungodly. You are encouraged to join us in our efforts to make this dream of ours a reality. As your King, I expect total allegiance and obedience from you if you are a Christian.
Sincerely, THE BRANCH
Millions of American Catholics claim to be of Irish ancestry. If they knew the real history of Ireland they would be upset at all the lies Rome has fed them. If they reject the Bible–the Word of God–then the very least they could do is learn about the real historical Patrick (not the RC Patrick who chased some snakes away). The real historical Patrick and the Celtic (Culdee) Churches in Ireland (& Scotland) who preached pure Scriptural Christianity and protested against Rome’s false teachings.
No denominations. None. Just faith in God and his word.