The whole affair is too graphically documented and the stages of the passion too carefully outlined, for want of a better word, to assume other than it was a Roman event with Roman authorities involved. It is underlined, by the assumed, historically recorded, act of placing the sign of Royal acclaim above his head. No Judean would have done that or even had access to an execution carried out by the Roman military.
Disguised intentions
The doctrine of disguised intention is very ancient and very Sufi. The Asiatic Hashishim, employed it to decimate the Sunni power mongers of Baghdad. Ishmaelis have never been quite accepted by either Christianity or Islam. Both are suspicious of their real ambitions, but in fact the Ishmaelis are the cementing ground between them and deserve a place in religious history if only with respect to the enormous influence they exerted in the promotion and launch of mediaeval chivalry and the Catholic Church itself. The shaping hands of the intellectual Jesuit according to many, learnt their capacity to influence and dominate social power through their knowledge and wisdom in the Ishamaeli centres of Egypt. There is also a strong indication that Jesus himself knew the essence of the Sufi way if his remarkably identifiable parables are anything to go by. The idea of Jesus preaching to the Brahmins therefore is not as preposterous as some would make out to cover up the ambiguity of his actions and those of his followers. Circumcision for example is as inviolable to Jews as baptism is to Christians, yet it was happily dispensed with to let the pagans in. In other words, the teachings of Jesus had little to do with blind cult faith as practiced by orthodox Jews and Muslims, but with the union of