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In this video accalimed author John Major Jenkins makes a presentation concerning the 2012 prophecies at the May 2010 MIND BODY and SPIRIT EXPO in Voorhees New Jersey, He shares the stage with Guatemalan K’iche Maya 2012 teacher Antonio Aj Ik and with Taino tribal shaman Miguel Sague, noted for being featured as an expert consultant in numerous cable network paranormal investigation programs dealing with Indigenous spirit presences

The Alien Shaman Presents — El Curandero and Ayahuasca Trips
Video Rating: 4 / 5

18 Responses to John Major Jenkins with K’iche Maya teacher Antonio and Taino shaman Miguel PART 8 of 8

  • 585788 says:

    Oh my god thats so cool how you find your way when you werent even looking, i love the earths signs so much and “coincidences”


    send me a bottle of that blend bro
    or the roots

  • absorbedlotus says:

    Sounds pretty cool, is there anyway I can get involved?

  • TheiGODProject says:

    Well it would be a self sustaining community that would actually produce product to export. But basically designed from observation of natural ecosystem and tailored to have a substantially larger amount of human beneficial life. So taking advantage of shade crops to leave big trees, insect communities(earth worms, bee hives, etc.) and using symbiotic plant and fungus combination… infuse it with love and spiritual based activities and we would see unprecedented production per square meter.

  • absorbedlotus says:

    yeah what do you mean by ecosystem construction? closed circuit extra output?

  • TheiGODProject says:

    There are quite a few…. if you ever do come to peru though just email me and we will get a ceremony going….

    We can do it in the jungle… mountains… I like the mountains 🙂 though the jungle is beautiful.

    As well were trying to organize a group to help put to reality these designs we have built to for ecosystem contrusction and closed circuit EXTRA output. could give you more info on that as well if interested

  • absorbedlotus says:

    i’m also really intrested in western/ south and middle american spirituality! i’ve heard about a place in peru, near the amazon where one can retreat to a commune sort of place where one can live under open sky and with others. ayhuasca ceremonies are a part of the experience. do you know anything about this?

  • absorbedlotus says:

    y. anyways i have beeen trying to keep with the 5 precepts and i know that one of these is to refrain from experience minipulation. i’m not really sure about this that’s why i’m asking! anyways also in another one of your videos you said you were buddha, i’m not sure if you were literally saying that you are buddha free from any suffering and immersed in immeasurable action or what you meant by this… please post back. i have alot of questions for you! may the force be with you my friend.

  • absorbedlotus says:

    why were you waiting for the moon to pop up? anyone else notice if you see the moonlight it resembles a buddha sitting on lotus? i have been noticing this for the last week and what started out as a lotus is starting to appear as a buddha in meditation! it’s pretty sweet. do you think antheogens like sacred mushrooms and ayuhasca are good for spiritual developement? when i tripped mushrooms i believe i reached a state of jhana or near jhana but i may not have been prepared to experience it full

  • nivedthephysical says:

    i am a alientologist and the sky is inside me and inside you im inside you and you are inside me you are a reflection of everything you see theigodproject is one of the missin ingredients of the universal recipe we have lived for ions now we have convert very carefully peace

  • oarv says:

    The Secret is to have the spirits of ayhuaska fusion of plant.Ayhuaska aint to everyone but it seens the power plant like to be in conection with your body, Great Job and lets share our experiences….love and peace and treat the Plant as a Sacret feeling. Love your video and trip into the Self of yourself….be the Soul and not the Ego on that trips bro….Indio Sol Forte.

  • MeetGod7 says:

    Believing you can always do more, you can always be better will open you to a person you always knew you should be.

  • MeetGod7 says:

    I think we must leave behind the known and enter fearlessly to grab the unknown by the balls. Searching for what is unknown open us up to experience more of what is infinity. Faith and constant desire to grow based on the pure wishes of our mother earth will help you on this path. OPEN YOU ROOT CHAKRA!

    Fearless compassion is how you an prove to the universe you have the faith to do your destined work. Then the universe gives you the power to manifest a life of beauty. U R not All UcanB

  • NTA88 says:

    puta madre carajo! haha

  • BCD2100 says:

    Love the video some good hip hop, you were quite unlucky with the matches

  • TheiGODProject says:

    yeah… I made some crazy faces too! haha… all because it was so cold I needed something to occupy my mind waiting for the moon to pop up. I could possibly edit this… oh and got email from james we might be meeting in tarapoto…

  • yohy86 says:

    those rhymes are sick. Man, i’m seeing things in the sky, like energy and shapes. That line about the the sky..i like.

  • OverviewEffect says:

    Didn’t get to see the ayahuasca trip : /

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