WILLIAM L. SHIRER –“Most true happiness comes from one’s inner life, from the disposition of the mind and soul.”
WILLIAM LANDBURG –“Modern portfolio theory allows for the fact that financial markets are by their nature unpredictable. An infinite array of events that are, impossible to foresee or control affect returns — currency meltdowns, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and 100-year storms (which have a way of occurring every five years!). Logic and rational thinking rarely factor into the mix. As was seen in the dot corn era, a company’s underlying strength, reflected by such variables as profitability, earning prospects and market share, may have far less effect on share price than mindless exuberance. How else can we account for the swings and gyrations in the stock market in recent years?”
WILLIAM LANGLAND –“We should be low and love like and lean each man to the other And patient as pilgrims, for pilgrims are we all.”
WILLIAM LANGLAND –“We should be low and love like and lean each man to the other And patient as pilgrims, for pilgrims are we all.”
WILLIAM LAW –“A life devoted to the interests and enjoyments of this world, spent and wasted in the slavery of earthly desires, may be truly called a dream, as having all the shortness, vanity, and delusion of a dream; only with this great difference, that when a dream is over nothing is lost but fictions and fancies; but when the dream of life is ended only by death, all that eternity is lost, for which we were brought into being.”
WILLIAM LAW –“All other sacrifices that we make whether of worldly goods, honours, or
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