also. The Yamana do not like a person who acts selfishly.”
YANN MARTEL –“To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.”
YASNA –“All these, indeed, gather unto Thee, 0 Mazda! They who have done Thy work, whose actions accord with the Truth, Whose words proceed from the Good-Mind, Whose Inspirer art Thou from the very beginning.”
YASNA –“At the last turning of life to the faithful making the right choice according to his norm doth Ahura Mazda, the Lord Judge, in His sovereign power Bestow an end better than good. But to him who shall not serve the cause of good, He giveth an end worse than bad, at the last turning of life.”
YASNA –“He who upholds Truth with all the might of his power, he who Upholds Truth the utmost in his word and deed, he, indeed, is thy most valued helper, 0 Ahura Mazda!”
YASNA –“I shall take the awakened soul to the exalted abode with the help of the Good-Mind, Knowing the blissful rewards of the Wise Lord for righteous deeds. As long as I have power and strength I shall teach all to seek for Truth and Right.”
YASNA –“May the true-spoken word triumph over the false-spoken word.”
YASNA –“Through Thy power, 0 Lord, Make life renovated, real at Thy will.”
YASNA –“With Truth moving my heart, With Best Thought inspiring my mind, with all the might of spiritual force within me, I venerate Thee, 0 Mazda, with songs of Thy praise. And at the last when I shall stand at Thy Gate I shall hear the echo of my prayers from Thy Abode of Songs.”
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