YOHYA B. MU’AD AL RAZI– “Paradise is the prison of the sage, just as the world is the prison of the believers.”
YOKA DAISHI –“The Mind like a mirror is brightly illuminating and knows no obstructions, It penetrates the vast universe to its minutest crevices; All its contents, multitudinous in form, are reflected in the Mind, Which, shining like a perfect gem, has no surface, nor the inside.”
YORUBA PROVERB –“Lack of respect to the constituted authority is the source of most conflicts in the world.”
YORUBA PROVERB –“Lying does not mean that one could not be rich; Treachery does not mean you may not live to old age; But it is the day of death (judgment) about which one should be baffled.”
YORUBA PROVERB –“Offend me and I will question you — this is the medicine for friendship.”
YORUBA VERSE –“Only few people act in our interest in our absence, When we are not around. But in our presence, all display their love for us.”
YOSHIDA KENKO – “Ambition never comes to an end.”
YOSHIKO NOMURA –“The law of cause and effect without exception rules all events that take place in the phenomenal world. There is no effect without a cause and each effect becomes a new cause.”
YUL BRYNNER –“Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can’t get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.”
YURI GAGARIN –“To be the first to enter the cosmos, to engage, single-handed, in an unprecedented duel with nature—could one dream of anything more? When I orbited
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