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everywhere. Are they in operation; and the wise Walk on the side of Light, while the unwise follow the other until they grow wise? These ancient Two, in mutual wrestle-play Give birth to Twin- Desires, high and low, that shape as Hate-Mentality in some, in others as the Better Mind of Love. 0 Mighty Lord of Wisdom, Mazada! Supreme, Infinite, Universal Mind!, Ahura! thou that givest Life to all!,/ Grant me the power to control this , mind,/ This Lower Mind i of mine, this egoism, And put an end to all Duality,/And gain the reign of One as is desired/ Unconsciously by even the graceless ones,/ The evil sinners, in their heart of hearts.”

ZARATHUSTRA-“Courage begets strength by struggle with hardships. Courage grows from fighting danger and overcoming obstacles. Develop the courage to act according to your convictions, to speak what is true, and to do what is right.”

ZAUQ– “An increase in love increases the light in the world.”

ZELDA FITZGERALD– ‘I don’t want to live – I want to love first, and live incidentally.”

ZELDA FITZGERALD –“I don’t want to live- I want to love first and live incidentally.”

ZEN –“Life is the only thing worth living for.”

ZEN BUDDHISM –“A University Professor went to see Nan-in, a Zen Master, to find out more about Zen. As their meeting continued Nan-in was pouring Tea and continued to pour even though the cup was overflowing. The Professor cried. “Enough! No more will go in!” Nan-in replied, “Like this cup you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”


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