forgiveness for the mistakes we have committed, and take vows to minimise our faults. We try to forget about the needs of our body and our business so that we can concentrate on our-self. Swetambers celebrate eight days of Paryushan and the last day is called Samvastsari. In these eight days most of Jains keep fast in many ways and all Jains keep fast on Last day of Paryushan. The process of shedding our KARMAS really begins by asking for forgiveness with true feelings and to vow not to repeat mistakes. The quality of the forgiveness requires humility and suppression of anger.”
WILCOX AND MUMFORD –““I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich.”
WILFRED B L TROTTER –“The dispassionate intellect, the open mind, the unprejudiced observer, exist in an exact sense only in a sort of intellectualist folklore; states even approaching them cannot be reached without a moral and emotional effort most of us cannot or will not make.”
WILFRED PETERSON –“The best leaders are very often the best listeners. They have an open mind. They are not interested in having their own way but in finding the best way.”
WILILAM JAMES –“There is only one thing a philosopher can be truly relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.”
WILL AND ARIEL DURANT –“The future never just happened. It was created.”
WILL DURANT– “Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance.”
WILL DURANT –“In my youth, I stressed freedom, and in my old age I stress order. I have made the great discovery that liberty is a product of order.”
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