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water is to us. We understand it, but we do not respect it.”

WILLIAM BENNETT– “There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.”

WILLIAM BLACK– “A truth that’s told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent.”

WILLIAM BLAKE –“A dog starv’d at the master’s gate/ Predicts the ruin of the State./ A horse misus’d upon the road/ Calls to heaven for human blood./ Each outcry of the hunted hare/ A fibre from the brain does tear,/ A skylark wounded on the wing,/ A cherubim does cease to sing.”

WILLIAM BLAKE –“Ancient poets animated all sensible objects with gods or geniuses… choosing forms of worship from poetic tales. And at length they pronounced that the gods had ordered such things. Thus men forgot that all deities reside in the human breast.”

WILLIAM BLAKE –“Excess of sorrow laughs. Excess of joy weeps.”

WILLIAM BLAKE –“He who binds himself to a joy Doth the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in Eternity’s sun rise.”

WILLIAM BLAKE –“I care not whether a man is good or evil; all that I care/ Is whether he is a wise man or a fool. Go! put off holiness,/And put on intellect… Men are admitted into Heaven not because they have curbed and governed their passions or have no passions, but because they have cultivated their understandings. The treasures of Heaven are not negations of passion, but realities of intellect, from which all the passions emanate uncurbed in their eternal glory. The fool shall not enter into Heaven let him be ever so holy.”


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