A modern ritual with roots in ancient Hebrew rites. Intent: strengthen your auric field.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
As far as Satanism is concerned, the closest outward signs of this were the neo-Pagan rites conducted by MacGregor Mathers’ Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and Aleister Crowley’s later Order of the Silver Star (A… A… – Argentinum Astrum) and Order of Oriental Templars (OTO), which paranoiacally denied any association with Satanism, despite Crowley’s self-imposed image of the beast of revelation. Aside from some rather charming poetry and a smattering of magical bric-a-brac, when not climbing mountains Crowley spent most of his time as a poseur par excellence and worked overtime to be wicked. Like his contemporary, Rev.(?) Mantague Summers, Crowley obviously spent a large part of his life with his tongue jammed firmly into his cheek, but his followers, today, are somehow able to read esoteric meaning into his every word.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Great video! Could anybody tell me where I can find a schepter like the one used on this video? I’m from Brazil and it’s outrageously hard and time-consuming to find tools related to the occult here. Is there any sort of website from which I could order goods?

Another question I have is: Is it necessary to call upon the four winds at the end of the ritual?
Thanks for your time. I’m truly willing to venture this path and learn more and more
The first time I did it, I felt the ground vibrate and shake at the very end. And I have felt protected and safe everyday that I do it.
@TwistingWays angel energy is a little daunting, but they are GOOD and will help.
(i wobbled too)
blessed be! )0(
You are very welcomed…..I hope others learn something from our exchange here, the respect, patience and willingness to be open and truly listen with the heart!! I believe we demonstrated that people with different views CAN communicate without fighting, cursing, condemning or castrating each other, which for me is a testament to the power of “walking the talk of unconditional love” and not just paying lip service. No other label needed!!!
Blessed Be!
@Aprize0 Thank you
@kiefhouse …I ABSOLUTELY 100% agree w/U, that many conspire behind closed doors to bring about benefits solely to their personal gains, that would in the process usurp individual sovereignty & cage us all worse than animals of the wild. To us it’s evil, to them it “appears” to be their duty & in the process of it R quite pleased to have all of humanity at ea others throats, while they gorge fr the essence of our fears, hate & contempt for ea other fr conflicts they stage themselves!!!
@kiefhouse con’t 2
It is a stretch for my imagination to believe these….whatever creatures they R… also play a roll in the great scheme of things, that’s hard to accept, yet on as strange a note that it is, I think they do, for as U said in a previous post, it’s God’s way of making sure we all KNOW who’s REALLY in charge. THEY R part of that duality U wrote about previously, something that is mutually exclusive to our very existence. In this 3rd dimensions existence we can’t stop evil.
@kiefhouse … con’t 3
BUT, I also believe deeply in the power of LOVE & its ability to heal & produce miracles. We’re “fighting” on the same side my friend!! And I don’t want ‘them’ feeding off my/our fears…it strengthens their powers.
@Aprize0 as in the unity of objective and subjective? The inner conscious reality synchronizing to perfection with the material world? What about the ones who oversee this world? The ones controlling it behind closed doors? Do you believe that they think what they are doing is correct because it is part of God’s prophecy to bring forth satans kingdom? Or do you not believe there is a dark manipulative force on this planet?
@kiefhouse con’t 1
… but we cannot BE w/o God, THAT’s the “paradox” of it all. W/o The Source NO THING exist or CAN exist. A true magi embraces ALL of God’s creation, fr ‘above AND below’ , I don’t think ‘below’ is just our Earth plane…we R” middle Earth’& if indeed we R the proverbial “below”,then that logic would mean, it’s WE who live in the devil’s domain in the realm of duality that was created by The Source. Embracing the dark side of our own nature is the part that empowers us to…
@kiefhouse …con’t 2
… be “whole” once again….pushing it away perpetuates our separation from God. For to embrace ONLY the Light is to split & cut ourselves off from our own selves. Embracing the ‘darkness’ does NOT by any stretch of the imagination means we have to do “bad things” to ourselves and/or each other…THAT is where many, many, many R getting stuck & why we stay separated from ourselves & God.
Light & Dark is the infinite dance of who we ARE & was created to BE “Whole Be-ings”
@kiefhouse …con’t 3
I believe ANY religion that keep people separated fr themselves by castrating ‘darkness’ as bad, is doing a great disservice to people AND collective consciousness of mankind as a whole…is indeed evil. I have no desire to wish or do harm to anyone…I WANT everyone to wake up & find themselves, I wish for humanity to get on with the biz of fulfilling all we were designed to BE for God’s sake not mans.
@kiefhouse …Last
I’ve been wanting that since age15. We’re all on a journey of self-discovery & I think it prudent that we all be patient & compassionate w/ea other for this is a very challenging time in our spiritual evolution. It please me greatly? to see so many coming to the altar of their Highest Being for it is THERE they will find themselves & the True Love they seek. For to find ‘self’ is to find The Beloved!
Thank U for ‘choosing’ to participate in this exchange….Blessed Be!! :))
@Aprize0 I know this. nothing is truly separate from God. There can be an illusory egoic separation. But yeah, that’s only an illusion. God created Lucifer and wrote this story of duality to teach us something important. To teach us that we are nothing without God, literally.
@kiefhouse Actually I’m a Kabbalahist and Alchemist who utilize very old traditions in the healing work I do & have done for over 25years!
ALL ROADS lead back to The God Source…even the ones that run thru Hell, since The God Source created EVERYTHING that HAS BEEN, IS and EVER WILL BE!! Then it stands to logical reasoning that neither Lucifer NOR the Devil created themselves or could have created themselves!! If God created everything then he created those 2 ….. now think about that one!!!
@Aprize0 I’m not a christian, and I’m very much aware of New Age propaganda as well as religious propaganda. You have obviously fallen for the former. Possibly indulging in the likes of David Wilcock and Jordan Maxwell? You are falling right into the same trap.
@kiefhouse ….u poor lost soul….as side in the Matrix movie… GET UP!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!! It is YOU who are living in a illusionary-dream created by Lucifer w/who you worship also known as christianity….who seem to condemn anything and everything that seeks to actually FREE the souls of those they have religiously imprisoned!!!! I pray for you….WAKE UP…the 2012 wave is upon us ….WAKE UP…. WAKE UP…… WAKE UP!!!!
cracking video dude, so much so I subscribed ,it’s always good to dispell illusions
At the end he calls upon the Four Winds: Boreus, Eurus, Zephyrus, Notus.
At the start I thought you were Scottish. You sounded like one. Just the first sentence…. :-))) I liked your video Angel de La Luz… Too bad that you are not uploading anymore…
@kiefhouse If you have watched any of Rob Cutter’s videos, you would know he has a strong connection to his spirit and to God. He never promotes delusions or the illusion of separation that many religious teachers, especially “Christians” present. He explains that some of these rituals (just like praying or meditation) can help a person become more spiritually aware. It’s amazing you are so quick to assume his work is for some “devil.” Just shows how you are so quick to judge others.
@doctorjay1976 Yes, you’re right. You can never separate yourself from the creator. But one can fall into delusions of the mind and create an illusionary separation. For instance, if someone where to believe that they where God. Or that ritualistic magick can raise consciousness to a godly state. How does this coincide with obsessions with the devil?
@kiefhouse you are obsessed with the devil. you can never separate yourself from the essence of God, the essence that pulses through all life
thanks, but i was woundering if you had a blog or site id like to learn more.
Do you believe you are connecting to God through rituals? You would think you are actually separating yourself further from God through gnosis. The more you indulge in the fruit of The Tree of Knowledge the more you separate yourself from God. The more one seeks personal gain through occult understanding the more they separate from the Holy Spirit. Is it Lucifer you seek?