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football have to do with the lottery?’ Well, actually quite a lot. Did you ever wonder how the NFL teams determine who they want to draft? You guessed it; Computer Software. Their computers analyze the past performance, stats and scouting reports of hundreds of college football players. The decisions the teams make, based upon their computer analysis, are crucial to their future success. But, is it cheating? Of course not. But, analyzing the past performance stats of all those NFL wannabees is smart.

Now, I could go on and on. There is no shortage of examples I could use to bring home my point. But, there is a caveat to this discussion that I must address.

Buyer Beware

The software you purchase must be the Best Lottery Software. You see, unfortunately, there are many bad apples in the Lottery Software business. If you do an internet search on Lottery Software, you will find no end to the number of vendors marketing their wares. To be honest, most of it is junk, trash, garbage and a total waste of money. That’s why most Serious Lottery Players end up purchasing several different software products before they finally find one that’s worth the money. In fact, on my website, our customers take a Survey, where one of the questions is, ‘How many lottery software products do you own?’ The average for all of our customers is 4. That means that our customers wasted their time and money on 4 other products before they found my website.

So, if you are in the market for lottery software, be very careful. There are only about 4 or 5 decent products on the market. But, only one can be the best.

I hope you enjoyed the Lotto Lies series of articles and found them useful. For more

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