Full speed of the Love Sex Magic Dance. You got it guys! GET IT!!!! PEace and God Bless and thanks for the hardwork everyone! Show’s going to be great! Erik Ciara & Justin Timberlake © 2009
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Ciara & Justin Timberlake Clip from “Love Sex Magic” Shoot.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
that was tight but.. you should have done it with one camera on..
your choreography than some of the group dance choreos i’ve seen of this song. please ask a female friend to dance the fem routine and shoot video with a better background and re-upload.
i really think you’ve got talent.
hahah lovveee the female version hahah xxxx
lol, the one in the corner is a female version, and the bigger one is the male version, hope i helped
I still don’t get the 2 camera thing :S
Your awesome lol
cool dance!
You’re amazing!
u guys like this? its so bad
ilike-ilike (:
u’ve got smth! great!
like it =)
you rock
It’s the dance in the music video.
other than the frames being a little off, its was pretty good.
good jobbb
ur hotttttttttttttttt lol love ,sex,magiccccccccc yourrrrr magiccccc
hes shit i lik his turn though Lol
btw, did u just make this up as you went along, or is a practiced dance routine?
lol, was quite good.
Wooooow :]
You’re goooood !
5 stars (AA)
ok wow im not bein negative but i did think the chorgraphy was good it was easy … but the frame thing was pretty tight ill give u tht