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Love Spells – How do they Work?

How do love spells work? Forget Hollywood and Harry Potter or Charmed, the reality is much sijpler.  You gather some herbs, light a candle, close your eyes and will the person you have a crush on to love you. Witches do it this way so it must be true, right? Not even close.

Depending on what you read and believe then casting any spell can be done with nothing but inner power, and maybe a candle for focus. Traditional witchcraft is not generally into all the glorified type of stuff that you see on the big screen. Clean and simple is the way to go.

More modern witchcraft becomes a little more involved as the newer types of pagan like a little more ceremony. Still nothing too ornate but they have slightly differing beliefs, which is perfectly fine, it is their religion after all.

Whichever way you want to follow then the actual power for a love spell comes from within. How you focus that power is really all that changes. There is one thing that any witch, old or modern, will unhesitatingly tell you though.

Do not cast a spell on someone. Witches have rules and altering anyone’s state of mind is taboo. So how do you find the one you love? Casting a love spell is perfectly fine but you do not direct it at someone, you instead phrase the spell in such a way as it brings the person who you will truly love to you. It might not be the one you currently wish to love you but it should bring the one who you will love. In this way you do not alter anyone else, either physically or mentally.

There are other ways to control a person or influence their thought processes but Witchcraft is not one of them. Learn more about Traditional Witchcraft and the Traditional Magic Arts at Is Witchcraft Real.

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