Tarot – 2, The High Priestess” href=”http://www.articlesbase.com/tarot-articles/spiritual-growth-with-the-tarot-2-the-high-priestess-3566189.html” onclick=”_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Articles’, ‘RelatedArticle’, ‘Tarot’]);”>Spiritual Growth with The Tarot – 2, The High Priestess
THE HIGH PRIESTESS sits upon a stone block, between two pillars, one black and one white. The pillars represent positive (+) and negative (-) polarity, suggesting that there’s a positive and negative polarity to all variations of energy, including the constructive energy which constantly constructs the universe. She represents the subconscious mind which creates our day to day reality.
Oct 28, 2010
Love Tarot Readings: What You Can Expect In Your Reading
In matters of romance, there is nothing like a good love Tarot reading. The Tarot offers a
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