Me and Jenna (casperpeyton)’s Wideo for the Duran Duran contest… guest starring Yutaro and Lola Gainsbourg-Liu (as the kitten) …wedding dress girl is sexual…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Me and Jenna (casperpeyton)’s Wideo for the Duran Duran contest… guest starring Yutaro and Lola Gainsbourg-Liu (as the kitten) …wedding dress girl is sexual…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
very nice video right up there with million dollar music videos!
sheeeee’s so fucking uglyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I LOVE this!
its Soooo good
Great job!
too much, magic mush?
the one who smokes in the video IS, though, right? He looks just like Pete Townshend from The Who. Ha!
What’s the point?
Love this!
Great styles
Good,very good.
All up ! Roll up for the MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR….step right this way!
i really liked your clothes, and the video was nice too
h?mm NY…
where are you from???
are you a film student?
no, i’m not.
no way your male?…
merci juvenal
i will look into it! i saw jodie foster singing in french, and i thought it was cool!
thank you deemer!
Rad/Gorgeous Style
the Camera
Filming was shakey N Chopped Up
but I Dig that.((knick,knick))
but i don’t think you like jodie’s song, it’s just for you see her sing in french! (she speak french like real frenchy, it’s amazing).
and also “big soul” but they sang in french:”le brio” and jodie foster (that true) who sang (when she was kid) “je t’attends depuis la nuit des temps”. A disco tube! translate jodie’s tube:” i waiting you since the dawn of time”
and also “Les Rita Mitsouko” with their song:”le petit train”,”marcia baila” and “c’est comme ça”. I think you’ll can like that.
joeletaxi. if you want listening a good french singer, go to “la femme chocolat by olivia ruiz”. It’s a kind of music you’ll surely like it. sorry for my poor english!
the who you ruined the who! god come on your nasty ew! your come backs are lame and if ur gonna lip sing in english… learn how to pronounce your words!
Sehr nett! Besser als vieles im Musikfernsehen!