the last two million years, or so, of human evolution, has been devoted to the slow steady conversion from gathering, to scavenger gathering, to hunter gathering, while the remaining less than 1% is called civilization. Having excellent 3-D color vision, but poor night vision, the night light of the full moon became a great advantage as it advanced geographical food acquiring range and easier pickings. Being bipedal and having prehensile dexterity in a shrinking dryas ecosystem were great evolutionary pre-adaptations and opportunity vs. death drivers for proto-humans.
This dynamic food energy switch created full moon super-nutrition for several days to a week, followed by a remaining month of being trapped in standard fare. This tuned up a monthly cycle of high, then haphazard nutrition, which caused elevated body fat that could conveniently support endometrial growth and fecundity, two weeks after the full moon, during the pitch black nights of the new moon. Since nobody looks ugly in the dark, alcohol not yet being invented, and besides, there being nothing else to do but stumble around like blind idiots, a nutritional match was made in heaven. In addition, sexual glue is social glue. This was already operating in the context of a proto-hominid large brained noisy critter, with its ecological niche pushing a movement toward even more brain growth, symbolic representation as language and a pre-civilization social tool kit simply awaiting large enough population numbers to invent neat stuff like cities, war and jacuzzies. Thus, the African stage was set, and fortunately for us, all four acts played out before we, as the genetic evidence shows, almost became extinct.
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