natural nutrient driven monthly cycle of low and high AMPK activity and a regular neogenesis and regenesis cycle, which may have assisted us in becoming the longest living primate. The long parturition period, the interminable time stretch from birth to sexual maturity and the creation of history, in the need for elders to pass all that big brained accumulation to the next generational batch of incomprehensibles that seem to arise for the first time in memory with each succeeding generation, could have helped to assist this life lengthening admixture. In the context of this paper, that is, if there still is any context, this kind of long-winded speculative wannabe has just got to be followed with a circadian/lunar cycle recipe format.
The advent of commercially available high concentration bioavilable resveratrol would open the door to possibilities that will really bring the troops home. At full dose, it would bias the system toward true CR mimicry of AMPK driven mitochondrial regenesis, while at one tenth full dose, it would bias the system toward the neogenic meta-mimicry we described in detail, before. Since neogenesis takes several days to complete, while regenesis is much quicker, a circadian/lunar cycle plan that forces the system into lengthy defaults to life extending regenesis, might look something like this: Low dose neogenic resveratrol could be coordinated with anti-oxidants, dietary nutrient loading and/or power based exercise for five to seven days, or so, then followed by high dose resveratrol coordinated with daily food avoidance between dinner and breakfast and/or high oxygen utilizing endurance exercise prior to breakfast in a more extended time frame, say about three weeks, to entrench mitochondrial efficiency,