up to about 500 mg of resveratrol in a shot of 86 proof booze, or flavored schnaaps, for the more faint of heart. Solubility is mostly dependant upon alcohol content, so the same should hold for a glass of wine, but it may take a while to dissolve. Besides, the smaller the volume, the better it is for non-intestinal absorption. Take a slug, swirl it around in your mouth for a full minute before swallowing, kick back, and enjoy. Dissolving is what you might call the nanonization technique. It has been shown to enhance buccal and aerodigestive absorption by as much as 800% above dietary methods, and it does not increase the kidney metabolite load one whit. Anyway, many of the medical gurus out there tell us that 10-20 grams of ethanol a day, is good for us.
Then, there’s the stretch (or even strain) of your imagination beyond the orbit of Pluto, plan. Human beings have daily circadian and monthly lunar cycles for a reason. Anyone who has read about the circadian melatonin cycle knows what we’re talking about. The fact that human females have a lunar cycle length receptivity cycle, and that in small, tight knit groups, cycle together, is no accident. The seasonal based cycle was replaced by
the lunar cycle because conditions made it happen. What made it happen, you query? We thought you would never ask.
The mutational force is the primary evolutionary driver, but it is accidental, generational and is usually a losing proposition, with rare selective advantage. But, the winners support population survival in the form of multi-generational adaptation. The selection advantage of a switch from a seasonal to lunar cycle must have been powerful, simply because it was forced into existence. Consider the following. Over 99% of