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Making Your Own Tarot Cards

If you ever want to make your own tarot cards the key would be attention to detail. The reason probably for the need to create your own deck would be that nothing really expresses what you feel while you are making readings with the help of other types of tarot decks. Most psychics want to own a customized and personalized deck, however lack the will power, time and ability to undertake such a mammoth project and bring it to fruition. There are many aides on and offline that would assist you in creating your own set of tarot cards; however, considering that there are 78 cards and each one would need to incorporate special magical and sacred symbols, it would be easy to understand why people prefer using the decks that are already in circulation.

What if you do want to make your own tarot cards in spite of the immensity of the task that lies ahead of you? What would a logical plan of action? First of all, understand that this is most likely not something you could do on your own. You would need a team of experts to help you in this task. First, an extraordinary artist or better said illustrator who would be able to visualize what you want to express and picture it accurately. Secondly, a graphic designer who would be able to upload it on a computer so you could have it printed. The third member could be an occult expert who could guide you in choosing the right symbols and lastly, you as your ideas would be translated into a brand new deck that speaks best to you.

It is true that when you make your own tarot cards you would need tremendous inspiration, which you could draw from within and from research into ancient occult sciences. There is one more important factor that you should keep in mind: patience. The tarot

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