deck is huge, and each card has meaning within meanings which have to be carefully expressed. Therefore, you need to be very realistic when you make such plans, lest you would be frustrated with the speed with which the project proceeds.
When you make your own tarot cards you need to keep only one rule in mind: that the order and denomination of the cards would remain unchanged. This is especially if you want to share this deck with other tarot enthusiasts. However, if you feel that these cards should be something that remains only under your control, then you could allow your imagination run wild. This is would be great fun however, unless you feel about each card, you would not be able to use them effectively. It is painful enough to re-think and re-design a pack of pre-ordained deck of cards. Imagine, the Herculean task involved in re-interpreting and re-casting the value and position of each card.
One last word of advice: when you make your own tarot cards, ensure that you craft them suitable to your hand size. This would help you make better readings as you would relax faster in the comfort of using perfectly matching (to your hands) cards.
Craig Malone is a writer for Visit, the online home of America’s Top Psychic, Sylvia Browne. Get a psychic reading for free at
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