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Matter and Beyond – Metaphysics.

After reading much of Gerardus Tros I got in touch with him and came up with the idea to read it to you with some music and video. With his blessings I hope you enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Matter and Beyond – Metaphysics

  • readmuch says:

    Thank you, I’m glad you watched.
    Take care

  • lion3377 says:

    excellent video …well done

  • readmuch says:

    @MOKKITTA I can’t tell you that anymore than you can tell me or Science or Quantum Physics. It is what I have educated faith in, meaning experience as well as learned from material. To understand the manipulation over all humanity is simple, but how far back do you go? I grew up like most people knowing only what was forced on me through repeated information of generations. The Book of the Damned; is a good start, don’t be afraid of the title. What is known is for U 2 decide or discover.

  • MOKKITTA says:

    @readmuch I like to know more about what happend 400k BC, but should I discard the information about what is known so far about that period? What I heard about that time was that it was the time Homo Erectus were at the end of their evalution and becoming human like? It will be another 250k more years before homosapiens(idaltu) will appear in their most primative form around 150kBC and they will refine themselves into cromagnon over 100 to 120k years, interlectuel/modern man is 40k years old

  • readmuch says:

    @MOKKITTA From what I have learned we are here by choice but Earth herself is governed by an Elite force directing our every move in an un-spiritual manner so we never discover who we really are. True or not, I know there is a lot of evidence to support that. To always be pointed in the opposite direction by religion etc… makes me question more
    Practicing Metaphysics was the norm before the take over some 400,000 yrs. ago, I say do not blame yourself but embrace yourself for getting this far.

  • MOKKITTA says:

    Is it our job if we accept this as the truth about what reality is to pass on this information? Who do we tell, should we only tell adults over 18 years old or should we interfear with what parents and schools teach the masses of children? Should such knowlage be kept secreat from certin types of people?? Is it healthy to know that you are just a cosmic dream? Can such knowlage interfear with the joy of life? Is ignorence bliss? Who will be the next to take on the job/pain of being crusified?

  • MOKKITTA says:

    I need to get to grips with this and learn to find joy in such a awakening. ATM I am unhappy knowing all I do is a illusion I created and non physical. Being raised by a earthbound society or illusionary society prejuge to the laws of physical reality I have limmited tools to work with, my soul must have been a massocist from birth to create such a reality for myself. If I had been smart I would have created a world where practicing Metaphysics was the norm. I have only myself to blame.

  • readmuch says:

    The new guy, is that his title?
    It sounds interesting, Im currently reading the Foregotten books of Eden after finishing the Lost books of the Bible.
    Thanks for your post

  • lindazimmer says:

    I just read a new book, God vs Satan Untold Story, by a new thinker on this topic. Who seems to have all these ideas, and more. He ties them into not only explaining God and Satan, but into politics, racial behavior, and modern political economical problems. If you like this stuff, you’ll love the new guy. He takes all these ideas to a brand new level.

  • readmuch says:

    I just wanted to suggest that going to Gerardus’ site is highly recommended.
    linked above
    Take care

  • readmuch says:

    I am glad you watched.

  • MilitantProduction says:

    Good job. I’m currently on my journey to learning more about metaphysics and the Universe, and this video helped a lot. Thanks.

  • readmuch says:

    nice comment and much appreciated.
    Take care, sincerely

  • ShantramTheMaestro says:

    This video was very well put together. When asked….. I refer to the link. Thanks.

  • readmuch says:

    How do you mean exactley?
    4 yourself it is a matter from my understanding to really listen to life in all it’s wonder.
    As quoted many times ” stop and smell the roses”
    We are kept in a busy life style that keeps us all from that symplicity in life retarding our very experience while trying to live in the NOW!

  • readmuch says:

    I feel much the same as you do and I also feel it is OK.

  • Cawlmdownbrolololz says:

    @readmuch would be nice if it was easier to access your spirituality … if that makes sense

  • Cawlmdownbrolololz says:

    @readmuch i enjoy life looking for the answers i know ill never know until possibly death.

  • readmuch says:

    Your exploration into the subject may help you to move forward when the time comes to higher levels of learning.
    When we pass over without nessasary knowledge and understanding or experience unfulfilled we might attract our self right back like a magnet with desire.
    How boring life would be if we had all the answer’s, eh?

  • readmuch says:

    I read Yada from Gerardus’ articles which was chaneled info on the subject. I read with open eye’s and found it to be very enlightening.
    From learned study, your spirit is always alive and always connected to life beyond this dimensional understanding.
    This life is one of many in most cases.

  • Cawlmdownbrolololz says:

    okay so what if like when we die our soul goes into its little sub conscious state but we are born again… like what if when we were born we were already alive… we were a soul in another life and now we have started again.. and if there is a god… then he contributed to the beginning of another area for souls to become born.

  • Cawlmdownbrolololz says:

    Im 15 and i really wanna learn all about this stuff..

  • mortiisera2 says:

    WOW, This is great. A friend ask me “what was Metaphysics” and I had no idea how to answer. lol Thank you

  • readmuch says:

    I’m glad you watched, thank you.

  • readmuch says:

    Yes he has some great articles, thank you for watching.

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