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Title: ?? / Mawang English title: The Devil Also known as: ?? / Satan / Lucifier / Devil Times Episodes: 20 Broadcast network: KBS2 Broadcast period: 2007-Mar-21 to 2007-May-24 Air time: Wednesdays and Thursdays 21:55 Synopsis When Homicide Detective Kang Oh Soo hit a dead end in his investigation of two seemly unrelated murders, except for the Tarot cards left behind at both crime scenes, he sought help from Seo Hae In, a woman with psychometry ability. She revealed that the killers were different in each murder, but the victims were chosen for their connection to a death of a high school boy. Later, the cases proved to have one more thing in common: the suspects have the same defense attorney, Oh Seung Ha. Seung Ha’s defense for his clients severely shaken Oh Soo’s conviction to catch the Tarot Card mastermind. Oh Soo was reminded that years ago he had killed a high school classmate in a fight. He was acquitted of all charges and began his life anew. Now, someone has came back to revenge the boy’s wrongful death by killing those who got him off. Cast Joo Ji Hoon as Oh Seung Ha / Jung Tae Seung Shin Min Ah as Seo Hae In Uhm Tae Woong as Kang Oh Soo …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Mawang / The Devil OPENING

  • alekzalee says:

    @josepaolo way better than Maou!!! The Devil actors are perfect for their roles and they are more credible. I thought the japanese version was overacted (not a johnnys fan at all), but then again watching it after this masterpiece might have influenced my opinion. This version is also longer (20ep.) than the jap (11ep.), but it’s very fast paced, well acted, with an amazing OST, and not boring at all! If you liked Maou you should definitely watch the original Korean drama!! it’s way better! 🙂

  • josepaolo says:

    Hey guys, I mawang good? I mean is it at least at par with the jap version Maou? Thanks. 😀

  • xXalyluvterukiXx says:

    @MizunoMizuhara the song: seo min young? – the devil

  • razomantic says:

    the devil – seo min young

  • eusjoji says:

    Love Uhm Tae Woong.

  • xxNxx94 says:

    i am attracted to the melody… the drama is good..mystery..

  • DarkMaster66612 says:

    je ne connais pas ce film ou série mais je trouve l’OST super

  • Bubbleteezzz says:

    Wow this is a GREAT openin where can u get the sound track??? or somethin where i can download it

  • amandafaerie says:

    I saw the Japanese version, but I want to watch the original Korean version. So I was wondering how different the two are from each other?

  • i7270 says:

    ?? = Chinese(??)
    ?? = Korean(??)

    ? = Devil
    ? = King

  • allsangyoon says:

    oh thank you so much! i like this drama and the opening is GREAT!

  • apaiusim says:

    yeah thats true…after all in chinese it called mo wang…not quite different at all..

  • xdjohnnyboyzxd says:

    Can anyone give me a download link for this song? Thanks!

  • ellendumpling says:

    That was a petty epically intense opening for a drama, Kudos.

  • accennty14 says:

    can i noe the name of this song?
    it is wicked…

  • flipxadoboxkanin says:

    i like to break to the opening. btw : ?=ghost/devil

  • TheShupers says:

    DAMN i like the theme song its freakin NICE!!!!

  • tlsdml45 says:

    Most of idol fans not watchig story, acting only just idol. That’s some reason.
    I understand.

  • ueto143 says:

    yes true. Their graphics are better! hehehe

  • Shipuh says:

    as a motion graphics artist, i like the korean opening more than the japanese version HOWEVER…i like the japanese song more than the soprano lady hitting notes…koreans are so much better with motion graphics/graphic design/web design/film than the japanese for some reason.

    i think im biased when i say this, but, maybe its because i speak japanese…i prefer the japanese actors…i havent finished watching the korean series yet.

  • ueto143 says:

    korean. i’ll give you a pm… hold on..

  • KakuKachoO says:

    Oh wow, i never knew!

    Which one is original?

  • ueto143 says:

    A japanese version of Mawang. Called, MAOU which means the devil. Acted by, Ohno Satoshi and Ikuta Toma.

  • KakuKachoO says:

    there is a japanese version? of what?

  • ueto143 says:

    I still prefer the japanese version for some reason… sorry!!! dont throw stones please~!!!

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