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Meanings Behind The Most Popular Tattoos

Throughout history symbolism has play an important part in how we communicate with each other. In the beginning it was a form of speech, a way to record history or even used to ward off evil spirits or to bring luck. Nowadays we each have our own symbols that have deep meanings to us and those around us, and one way to display our symbols is to have them etched on our bodies.

Some symbols in tattoos are more popular than others, for various reasons. Most of the time a symbol is popular because has many different meanings, instead of just a few. This allows all types of people to adopt the symbol and associate with it their own meaning. Other symbols are popular because they are associated with a certain social group, or they mark an important event.

When you are choosing a tattoo symbol, it is important that you fully understand its various meanings in case one of them is unwanted. For example, what if you really liked the symbol of two stylized lightning bolts, but then found out that it was associated with the German Nazi SS troops and biker gangs? You may want to reconsider this symbol.

Significant research is recommended before you decide on your tattoo symbol to ensure that it puts across the right meaning. Luckily the Internet is a great research tool, and you will be able to find thousands of symbols and their meanings.

Below is an example of some of the most popular types of tattoo symbols.

Religious Symbols

There are thousands of religious symbols out there, so if you practice a certain faith, or just want a tattoo that projects a particular feeling then you should have no problem finding a symbol that communicates how you feel. If you are choosing a

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