So many subscribers have asked how they can channel their guides, higher self or higher light extra terrestrial beings. The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine talk you through a Meditation-Vision Quest which they describe as a stepping stone to meeting the higher dimensional beings. Magenta Pixie channels the Nine via direct voice channeling for this and not automatic writing. Music By Kevin Macleod. Kind thanks to “Catzmagick Productions” www.youtube.com for editing this video. To view this video with Spanish subtitles see you tube user Savitri5000 uk.youtube.com
This is from the soundtrack to the movie Vision Quest as performed by Journey
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Outstanding video. I almost forgot about the Journey tribute to the dying boy. It was really moving. I love Journey.
Awesome song . . . !
All I have to say is…good times.
@vzqk50 Skip the movie? I’m guessing you’re a downright pussy? Wrestling is the hardest high school sport you can particpate in……..bar none. If wrestling is pointlesss, than why is it the foundation of so many UFC fighters?
Excellent video to this awesome song. Vison Quest has to be one of the best movies ever. Set your sights high and then go conquer them. Thanks catalystboy1 for that quote from the movie. Thanks vzqk50 for this post. Oh yeah, Linda Fiorentino is such a BABE.
Best song
Flimed in my home town of Spokane Washington the Lilac City
Heres to you Spokane!!!
Flimed in my home town of Spokane Washington the Lilac City
Heres to you Spokane!!!
This track was written for a boy who had a dying wish to meet Journey. The boy had it playing in his walkman til he passed.
Steve and the gang put this together, and it almost didn’t make it on album, until the recent remastering of Rasised on Radio. Thank God it made it, this is one of my favorite Journey songs, second to “Send Her My Love”.
@vzqk50 I wish I had figured that out 24 years ago………The one constant thing about life is it’s always full of regret.
Love this song still after all these years.
great song
this song reminds me of
“logans run”
lol, if it wasnt for oil, we’d be there already
yeah but it was written by journey
awesome song go journey go arnel bring out another new album for 2010
This song as far as I know was first recorded by Patty Smythe and Scandal on therir album “The Warrior” in 1983. It charted but didn’t go very far then but when Journey got ahold to it, it was top 10. Great song.
That’s right, I start crying. Because another human being, a species that I happen to belong to, could kick a ball, and lift himself, and the rest of us sad-assed human beings, up to a better place to be, if only for a minute… let me tell ya, kid – it was pretty goddamned glorious. It ain’t the six minutes… it’s what happens in that six minutes.
Steve Perry has azorean origin is his vains.
His parents are from my? Island
Excellent band Journey, and great vocals Steve Perry.
Anytime for a love song….theres journey or a classic rock song.
amazing song by Journey :)))
another great song by Journey :))
Absolutely Love Journey ! 5*s Steve Perry Rocks ! Thankyou….:D
wow amazing song xxxxhugs
5 sTaRs….Me too..love Journey and Steve Perry …& the movie vision quest.