Video Rating: 4 / 5
1991,1998-2001,2003 Guitar Solos Funky Monks Sir Psycho Sexy Suck My Kiss Blood Sugar Sex Magik I Could Have Lied My Lovely Man Breaking The Girl Give It Away The Power Of Equality Under The Bridge Mellowship Slinky In B Major If You Have To Ask Sir Psycho Sexy They’re Red Hot
Video Rating: 5 / 5
My favorite part of the video is that flickering light :] Great job guys (:
If you want to have Frusciante sound, you must have this setup with the wh10:
amp>> … >>..>>…>>>wh10>>ds2>>ec…. You must put the wh10 before the ds2. Try it
@geraci89 hahaha noo! sounds is fine I meant the hieght of his bass its way to high should lower it to your level xD
i love the guitar in this one
@geraci89 don’t worry mate, it still sounds good;)
where is this? looks like a really cool place to reherse : D
Your guitar tone is killer in this one! Love the energy too, you all have heart for the music.
U guys should do a dani california cover,, i saw the guitarists cover and it is def the best one on the net!! Good stuff guys.
and if you guys haven’t done purple stain yet, you should
the drums on it are insane, I’m sure jimmy could tear it up
ok so this video didn’t pop up in my subscriptions but the easily video did
now I see from the comments you were having trouble mixing the bass, that sucks man
and this was absolutely completely sick, are you getting your distortion from that marshall back there?
oh and this was, in my opinion, the singers (can’t remember his name) best performance, great energy from him and the whole band
perfect geraci
@SonnyJ95 its not him, I turned him up because it was hard to hear, but when the aggression comes through its too loud. Nothing I could really do, it’s neither of our faults lol.
@sharkuss Thank the lord!!
@geraci89 im gona shop for a new bass as well as a bad ass pedal. need an effect for jamtew
@geraci89 Ah yeah, it’s cool man, it doesn’t sound bad… It was still a great job on the song.
bassist please lower your bass xD it would of been so much more awesome but it sounds great
@slowcheetah2 thats the wh10
@Cheesenipp6 Not just saying this to make excuses, but I’ve had nothing but trouble mixing his bass. Hear that noise in the backround? thats coming from the bass, and the clarity is a huge pain in the ass to get straight. I actually had a lot of problems with the quality of the source recordings this day. I dont know what it was.
awesome play more old rhcp
This is great guys! The one ‘complaint’ i have is the sound of the bass, it’s probably just the way its recorded though… he’s playing it awesomely, and his energy actually makes up for the sound haha
Blood Sugar Sex Magic!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome..
here your guitar sound isnt that good! i dont know if its the video or not.
Nice! you guys should do a cover of Sir Psycho Sexy if you haven’t yet
excellent as always
and love the bassist, is fucking mad as flea haha