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Heyoka Ken Thornton intuits a symbolic expression on the oolitic shores of the Great Salt Lake. The ethereal music of Between Interval sets the mood. Visit for more information. new paradigm 2012 shamanism shift cleansing 2012 mother earth climatic disasterpole shift end time new world new earth hopi prophecy 2012 December Dec 21st 2012 Apocalypse end world Rapture time asteroids Nostradamus native american end of time end of world end of the world as we know it end of paradigm new paradigm change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya END OF THE WORLD DOOMS DAY NEW AGE change evoloution shift timewave zero terence mckenna 2012 sightings nostradamus dimensional shift omega dedroidify Mayan Calendar Apocalypse Pinchbeck i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati solar radiation Harmonic Convergence Great Shift cosmic cycle Pleiades The Photon belt Great Shift the wave of love red elk Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl Pahana global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality vision quest Apocalypse Armageddon endtime rapture apocalypto thunderbeing films ken thornton post 2012 emergence planetary ET Pleiadian wayshowers WWIII alycone indigo galactic yoga sacred geometry pineal ufo phi om fifth 5th sun gloabl shift Pleiades bloodline David Icke lightworkers seer photons cosmic arcturian alignment enlightenment 5th dimenson mass awakening great awakening wayshower way shower heyoka light cosmic rays sun ascended indigo
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Message from Mother Earth (V) 2012

  • atsdeck says:

    These videos are completely arresting. I started watching and am struck silent watching them. Thank you. Much gratitude.

    If you watch the top right, a ufo comes in at 1:46 and glides toward the left, bobs down and up a little, then continues out of frame…

    I see that appearance as deliberate. Wonder if you’ve had any sightings experiences yourself…


  • shamanizing says:

    your welcome and thank you

    Peace n blessings

  • sklabina says:

    Thank you Ken

  • porpoisefathom says:

    “How will I know these warnings, these signs?” Tom asked.

    Grandfather continued “They will be obvious to you and those who listen to the Spirit of the Earth but to those who live within the flesh and know only flesh, there is no knowing and no understanding…”

  • TooLF8th says:


    Heart talks to soul, move trough stick

    Bubba wish he also knew your trick

    But in lack of radar for my fog,
    I`d rather sit and watch you, like your dog.
    (the brown one in the other clip)

    Peace and love to you from Norway,

  • shamanizing says:

    your welcome, appreciate your comment and support 🙂

    Peace n blessings

  • shamanizing says:


    thank you for pointing that out, very interesting
    Mother earth smiles upon you

    Peace n blessings

  • porpoisefathom says:

    “8” the sign for infinity comes from- “the never ending cycle of the sun…” and the sun being the giver of life.

    the observed apparent travel of the sun by ancients- one cycle at
    23.5 deg S lat on Dec 21st -“winter solstice”, and one at 23.5 deg N lat “summer solstice” on June 21st- (perfect opposites) creating a figure “8” traced on the earths surface by the sun.
    the convergence point- the equator- the center of the figure 8- – where Kens stick was placed.

  • twelverainbow says:

    @Sumermagor Hello…here another sumer magor…blessings to you

  • TheMasterSlasher says:

    Where are getting your information from? I find this stuff extremely interesting.


  • EvilZeroSc says:

    i made an error

    change 4th dimensional to 4th Density
    as dimensions are a location in space and time while density is the frequency at which a person lives or in other words “level of spirituality”

  • EvilZeroSc says:

    Right, 4th dimension are also where lost souls (ghosts) dwell and demons (reptilians) exist. all of us enter the 4th dimension when we dream at night, the astral world…some of us bypass the great illusions and enter the 5th dimension and beyond and bring back knowledge from the source

  • TheDoveLady says:

    That’s because the fourth dimension is like a stepping stone over into the fifth dimension.

  • MrNiceHk says:

    I got this.

  • eveleen1111 says:

    Yes, 5th…some 6th, 7th or 8th dimensional beings are here here to help others at this time Jesus vibrated in the 11th dimension, which is perhaps why so many look apon him as breath-taking

    and yes, some will NOT be ready to move through these major changes. So be it. They are not ready. Old energy kills new things.
    But, .if we Say it outloud…, it’s create! Universal Law is a beautiful thing. Video showed infinite possibilities. Thank you.

  • davidpaul8 says:

    interesting…well done. relaxing.
    looks like the moon

  • gravitymindofgod says:

    Thank you for reciting our prayer on her face.

  • Sumermagor says:


    🙂 absolutely true, but dont hung yourself to 800 years as strict, it really depends on spiritual energy, it could happen anytime, it depends on people, There cant be any predictions. my point is Love, nothing else,
    Rulers can also switch a button to switch off the internet, electricity, or anything, in one moment, and you wont realize whats happening,
    Love is the —> .

  • EvilZeroSc says:


    thats nice, i was speaking of our civilization type though, humanity as a whole….i think we will move towards an age of total free will and out of this disguised illusion….cause human beings now really don’t have a chance to make up their own minds from the day we are born. its been said the true human beings (4th dimensional beings) of earth will emerge 800years from now, and it seems we are headed in that direction, the change is sure to be in gradual steps and not noticed

  • Sumermagor says:

    @EvilZeroSc You create your dimension. This journey is about YOU! there are people who choosed to be a sheep, its their free will.
    Much love to you

  • EvilZeroSc says:


    “We are entering the 5th Dimension of unconditional love”

    But we aren’t even in the 4th dimension yet

  • linket88 says:

    thank you for this ken….i have no fear of fear….there is no death, but only the existence of change…

  • ek6465 says:

    HeartOfALLThings said it true. Your locations are awe- inspiring. I,m envious…You blessed man!
    We all look forward to your next adventure.

  • 510shyt says:

    Gratitude for this!! may all beings be blessed with happiness, infinte love, wisdom an liberation.


  • Sumermagor says:

    We are entering the 5th Dimension of unconditional love,
    there are no religions, no hate, no violence, no ignorance, no slavery,
    everyone will follow its path, and people who dont match their vibration will simply fade away from their lifes,
    2012 is Spiritual Mass Awakening, which is unstoppable.
    Love is yourself, God is yourself, God is Love, Love is god,
    Earth love humans, humans will love earth,
    Humans will be happy and there is nothing it can stop it,
    Love and light

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