Question by leeannie: Metaphysical question:Stone vibrations?
What does it mean when a stone vibrates to a certain number?
Best answer:
Answer by eri
A number of what? Are you talking about a certain frequency of sound? Sound is a physical vibration of the molecules in the stone, so it may have resonance frequencies at certain pitches if it’s fairly uniform in nature.
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There may be an electric field across it.
“When a piece of quartz (silicon dioxide) is subjected to [an electric field] with a frequency that matches the quartz’s resonance frequency, it begins to vibrate. [The resonance frequency depends on how it was cut]. As the quartz crystal vibrates, it temporarily changes from a non-conducting state to a conducting state. This oscillation generates [an electrical] signal that alternates between the electrically ‘on’ and ‘off’ values at fixed intervals based on the resonance frequency of the quartz crystal.”
Look up the febenocci numbers aqnd you will get a whole lecture on stone and vibration.
It means you are courteous and considerate.Ringing stones are annoying and distracting,especially at restaurants and movies.
Nothing, I guess by number you must mean rate. Nothing special in a stone….at least to my understanding