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response to pyrrho314 about his denial of metaphysics.
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25 Responses to Metaphysics and Life

  • TheWayshowerTube says:

    First of all dogmatic structures of reality and perceptions creates suppressing thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

    We should create a free environment where people can express themself freely and make mistakes without onproportional consequence.

    Psychology is a science, but the illuminati schoolprograms and universities implemented multiple methods to control the psychological, neurological aspects of humans. Judgment, indoctrinations reduces creative thoughts.

  • MageSutek says:

    Cogito ergo sum.
    ?????????, ??? ????????.
    Je pense donc je suis.
    Pienso, luego existo.
    Ich denke, also bin ich.
    Penso, dunque esisto.
    ???? ???? ? ??? ??? ?????
    ??? ????, ???? ??? ???
    ? ???? ? ????, ?????????????, ? ?????????.

    Lots of languages, one principle thought.

  • alovelytime says:

    check it out
    feel what you feel right now.
    feel that?
    what the fuck is that?

    why do you even want to talk to me or to anybody? what is talking and communicating? watching vids and listening to other people, listening to some music.
    whats doing that and what the fuck is it?

    whatever it is, i cant seem to pinpoint where it is and look at it, with my eyes
    observe it, maybe even indirectly, and explain it,with math

    thats metaphysical bro.
    or one aspect of it.

    step up.

  • alovelytime says:

    thats wrong. it is everything.

  • lralon says:

    True, Chomsky isn’t dead yet – but he’s undergone a process of canonization, I think. He may be alive in his activism, but he is by now an institution in the field of linguistics. Anyway, I must confess I brought him up because his name was the first one that came to mind in relation to this discussion. Is there anybody else I should have quoted to make you happy?

  • regresseur says:

    In other words the word “metaphysical” is a label that represents everything and thus represents nothing and thus is worthless. Sweet.

  • regresseur says:

    I don’t know what you’re talking about, to be honest. I communicate using English. The purpose of my initial comment was to be bring your Chomsky figure back down to Earth and ease your huggery of his nuts.

  • regresseur says:

    Did you use the reply button when you posted this? A guy I was chatting with yesterday wasn’t doing that intentionally to make it look like he was stumping me, since I wasn’t getting notifications I wasn’t replying… until I realized what was going on.

    Well, as I alluded to in my previous comment, other individuals had already shined light on the importance / significance of things such as art, being creative, the creative process, etc. But you need history for that; Chomsky is not dead yet.

  • alovelytime says:

    our words, our desire to know, science itself, is metaphysical.
    that we wish to understand, to know anything, is metaphysical.

    matter is metaphysical, aspiring to become more than it is.

    otherwise, no thing would exist.
    no gods required.


  • lralon says:

    True, and Martin Luther King himself wasn’t the civil rights movement. But a figure must emerge to decompress the undifferentiated totality, to articulate it at its joint. Somebody had to put this “conclusion” in words. I couldn’t possibly quote “people” – as that undifferentiated totality – and expect to be taken seriously 😉

  • regresseur says:

    What’s he correct about?

  • regresseur says:

    People came to that conclusion a long time before Chomsky even existed.

  • HaleyMary says:

    Well said. I think that most people care about justice, ideas, truth and being kind to others. to me, that’s part of what it means to be human. I think in order for the world to be a better place, those are the values people need to hold.

  • alovelytime says:

    correct and beautiful.

    i love this guy.

  • UncannyRicardo says:

    5 stars

  • eis4eddieedward says:

    Metaphysics, just like theism, is totally built on faith. Therefore it is only rational within the confines of what ever system you wish to believe in. The problem and saving grace of metaphysics is that it cannot make any promises. At least no one has found a way to do that without adding a diety or semi-deity.

  • milkeddowncocobrown says:

    human nature is to question, analyze, and understand. but we have an animal nature to which has stronger hold with in our daily actions. and most people dont think enough to honestly be consider in a humanist state of mind. and the “need” to leave a mark as you said comes about more so from society and questioning of ones worth or value… and to have a sense of purpose with in your life and being and i guess to some degree for ones god.

  • milkeddowncocobrown says:

    damn man u killed the argument. really good job

  • notonewhit says:

    ASIDE: The “Declaration of Human Rights” is a speech act establishing a Status Function for society. Zizek, Searle, Minogue have argued against the notion of Human Rights as a foundation for Virtue and a moral life. They argue that “possession of Rights” give rise to a grievance culture. See eg Podcast: Philos. Zone: How Political Idealism Threatens Civilization12/4/09

  • gerontodon says:

    If, for the sake of argument, reality that can’t be described in language, or empirically observed, is *really* known, as opposed to *apparently* known, it seems to me that it is neither subjective or objective. Subjective impressions are impressions that are particular to a subject but that relate to something objectively existent i.e. ‘olives taste good’. If there’s a knowledge beyond distinctions at all, there’s no object that it’s a subjective impression of, imo.

  • walterwz says:

    See Kant. It is not a matter of denying the existence of reality beyond the realm of observable phenomena. It is the ability to KNOW reality beyond observable phenomena.

    One can know noumenous reality but this knowing comes by way of intuition. This intuition is purely subjective.

  • gerontodon says:

    “getting beyond those bars is still human not some ABSOLUTE” I find this ambiguous, do you mean getting beyond the bars is human or what’s beyond the bars is human? Getting beyond the bars is a human endeavour, since we’re human. imo what’s beyond the bars is absolute, what we already know, and what makes language possible. It seems to me, that if some knowledge is beyond language, it can’t, by definition, be categorisable as ‘human’ knowledge, or as belonging to any type.

  • BabybooR33 says:

    without Metaphysics… there is no life…

  • 2bsirius says:

    “Paz” is Spanish for peace…Sorry to throw a word into what Paz seems to be advocating, which SEEMS to be a turning away from the world of the word toward something other worldly, metaphysical — or even mystical…

    “To talk is human.”
    Yes that seems to be what we are– human.

    Therefore I am limited to the prison house of language…and I’ve got to understand that prison house well enough to know where the bars really are. BUT getting beyond those bars is still human not some ABSOLUTE imo.

  • lralon says:

    It is precisely because the world is in constant flux, and history tends to devour its children, that leaving a mark – a legacy – is the work of genius: an act of transcendence. The eternal ideas you speak of must be embodied in materiality, in the elements, in a craft, in artistic creation: the pyramids, the Mona Lisa, the words on the page, in the case of a good poem…

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