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A few spells of the latest installment of Midas Magic – Spells of Aurum for Oblivion.

25 Responses to Midas Magic 0.990

  • nerdinglegend says:

    They look alot like WoW spells tbh.
    0:28 – Cone of Cold
    0:35 – Entangling Roots
    0:39 – Chain Lightning (whit a cool after blast though)
    0:53 – Blizzard (whitout the ice bolts falling down ofcourse)
    1:22 – Kinda like ice block, only u use it on enemies and? it looks way cooler.
    1:42 – Typhoon. ( only bigger)
    But dont get me wrong, great job.

  • jacklby says:

    is it possible to make some of these effect enchantable?

  • DoomMan985 says:

    God. I love this mod. Iv’e been using it for months, and it just keeps getting better. Great work Xilver. Keep it up.

  • HermanoJemane says:

    que sarta de estupideces

  • CeTeR1234 says:


  • taysmetallihullu92 says:

    I have a problem with this mod. I use the angel wings spell, I fly but I don’t have wings

  • TheRealLaugh99 says:

    if only this mod wud work for me :/

  • TheBlaziken437 says:

    Spell idea: LEEROY JENKINS!
    effect: makes leeroy jenkins appear (hostile to all but the player) and he shouts his little phrase and basically murders anyone he sees.

    better one: that Expecta Patronus spell? i know what it is, and i think, that, since in the movie, they each have an individual animal, we should request you make a file for the patronus for many animals.

  • aleastot113204 says:

    dude xilver you are one of the best modders out there nice job

  • Rezmic says:

    Midas used Surf!

    Its Super Effective!

  • obbob says:

    hey what’s the song used in this vid called?

  • anima7775 says:

    if anyone could do that everone would be dead

  • achsihhh says:

    whats that spell at 1:41 ?

  • TheMediaCheese says:

    how do u get the sword and sheild?

  • minimitchie says:

    wow , maker of this… congrats for making even more awesome spells. i liked the ice/water spells most ^^

  • TheInfiniteNexus says:

    hey guys this is a much easier way, just open the command menu and type psb after you have downloaded midas spells and you;ll get them all free of charge or searching haha

  • vanzan102 says:

    1:43 lol

  • KeijiXII says:

    Those Ice Spikes are gorgeous! Awesome job here mate.

  • cyre132 says:

    these look, and work, fantastically. When i get this for PC im totally going to download this. The only problem i’ve seen so far with the midas magic mods are that they look a bit ugly (not xilver’s fault, they look fantastic compared to some of the other stuff). these are a major improvement. Good job!

  • spartanprodigy says:

    dude do these locations come with your mods? they are awsome.

  • MorteWulfe says:

    One of the mods gives a spell like that. Its called “Kill” and deals a horrendous amount of damage in one shot, but then drains your fatigue badly. If you aren’t careful, you start falling over exhausted.

  • MorteWulfe says:

    Thanks man, I already have gotten a number of them. Took me a bit with the crossworlds puzzle but I eventually got it >.> Then I proceeded to steal an angelic katana from the heaven plane…

  • Hayaterocks says:

    Many of the spell books you have to find by searching through the Astral Realms. I think (off the top of my head) aside from the standard books there are 7-8 other books you find by using that astral portal in the basement. (The one behind the locked door/wall)

  • danmccue1992 says:

    hey xilver did you remove the polymorph spells in the latest version cos i cant seem to find them from midas

  • MorteWulfe says:

    I agree with this guy, I am running OOO and Deadly Reflex at the same time. It is kinda hard with some of the enemies being so good at dodging, but this mod gives good crowd control spells. BTW Xilver, I did the cheat thing just to see what kinda spells were around, but I can’t find recipes for making the spells legit. Are there books that Midas doesn’t sell which have the recipes?

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