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Midsummer Madness – Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Whether you’re into dancing round a bonfire with a drum or loitering round a bbq with a paper plate, the longest day is good news. Let’s just hope the weather realises it’s Summer in the Northern Hemisphere this weekend.

The Summer Solstice occurs on 20 or 21 June every year and is also known as Midsummer, Litha or St John’s Day. This year in England, the sun will rise at about 4.45am and set at 9.20pm on Saturday 21 June. Plenty of time for honouring Mother Earth and the Sun King or perhaps, the chargrilled burger and the King of Beers.

This event has been celebrated since ancient times by pagans and believers alike. These days, parties and festivals are organised across Northern Europe, Ireland, Britain, Canada, the United States and some parts of Southern Europe. If the weather’s good, millions more will be enjoying their back gardens or the beach throughout the long Summer’s day.

Typical pagan activities at Midsummer include keeping a sacred fire burning; staying up all night to welcome the rising sun at dawn; dancing ecstatically around a bonfire; burning a Yule wreath; making a pledge to Mother Earth; and exchanging magical gifts with friends.

Some non-pagans may find themselves doing similar things after one cheap beer too many. Though friends may not find it magical when you’re circling the bbq like a maniac and hurling condiments onto the grill.

Every year pagan revellers flock to Stonehenge in Wiltshire where English Heritage provides ‘managed open access’ to the stones for the Summer Solstice. Visitors can be amongst the hallowed stones this year from 8.30pm on Friday 20 June until 8.00am on Saturday 21 June.


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