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Michael DiBussolo cover song double vision quest.

Louden Swain lets Brian Shute know about his intentions to wrestle him. Matthew Modine plays Louden, Jake Ryan plays Kuch, and Frank Jasper plays Shute. Tangerine Dream composed and performed the music for this scene.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Mike D–Minus The Bear-Double Vison Quest

  • Eddie2446 says:

    back when I went to school I would walk up stairs like Shute but I had 10 logs on my shoulders but he only had 1, what a wuss.

  • igotthebudzxxx69 says:

    @Lousypenguin I have watched that scene a thousand times and that line always has me cracking up. I love it.

  • igotthebudzxxx69 says:

    @stj052693 Best H.S. Heavyweight in the Country is Jimmy Lawson from Manchester, NJ. 3x State Champ. Only the 2nd heavyweight in NJ ever to win 3 state titles. The other one did it in 1940. Too bad he is going to play football next year.

  • MrGgbrown says:

    I worked with Frank and Gary on the “Conan” show on the Universal Studios Tour. Both were always suprised and gracious about people recognizing them from that movie so many years later. Any time we stopped for a drink or meal some wrestler who had seen the movie would ask for a picture or autograph. Both are great guys!

  • VEGSRNR says:

    If desire, hard work, and sacrifice translated into talent, I would have been world class!!!

  • bigbirdgrappler60 says:

    he cut 28 pounds he was a state qualifier the year before if you watched the beginning of the movie so he’s not a wimp he’s just not schute

  • GodzWaffle says:

    @bigbirdgrappler60 one of our 135s has muscles exactly like shutes… although hes really short lol

  • cinna71 says:

    wow thats krazy lol

  • Lousypenguin says:

    “Careful Louden” Lol!

  • bigbirdgrappler60 says:

    how the fuck does schute way 160 he looks like my teams 89 pounder

  • Hamster307 says:

    112 in Iowa. Fuck yearh

  • stj052693 says:

    285 🙂 lol 6th in state as a freshmen

  • heliojanusz says:

    Louden was an absolute wimp. C’mon, there’s no way he could’ve won in the end against brian.

  • murfmonkey says:

    PA is far and away the best state

  • mcflyfail says:

    lol im in cal what state you in

  • theBEST1455 says:

    lol, i accept your challenge what school ya go to man?

  • mcflyfail says:

    140 and ill still pin you WHOOOOOAAAAAAAAA

  • theBEST1455 says:

    152 wooooo!

  • crysjumar says:

    Dude, I would think that your dad considers it an honor to name you after Louden Swain. The guy set a goal achieved it, won the championship and got some nookie in the process. Trust me…it’s a good thing. You should thank him one day.

  • crysjumar1 says:

    There you go!

  • crysjumar1 says:

    The look on his face was priceless

  • crysjumar1 says:

    Well, it’s up there with the best. But don’t forget that Top Gun came out the next year.

  • crysjumar1 says:

    Got wood much?

  • crysjumar1 says:

    Apparently Frank Jasper was in college at the time the movie was filming.

  • crysjumar1 says:

    I watched it this weekend and I kept saying to my self “that skinny brotha looks a lot like Forest”…saw his name in the credits.

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