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Minor Arcana: Tarot Card Explanation

When you make a serious attempt to understand a tarot card explanation in the Minor Arcana, you enter a world full of intrigue, revelations, exciting possibilities and self realization. The ancient world of the tarot continues to unravel its many secrets even today. Tarot cards are one of the many techniques used by tarot readers and psychics, mainly to foretell one’s future, as well as to explore psyches, reveal patterns in one’s life and offer advice.

If you understand the significance and meanings of the 56 cards in the Minor Arcana and the 22 cards in the Major Arcana, you will have gained a better understanding of the tarot. Together, the 78 cards complete a standard tarot deck still in use today. A tarot card explanation in the Minor Arcana can be easily gleaned from the plethora of information published on the subject, or from any experienced tarot card reader.

Inquirers usually approach psychics or tarot card readers to seek advice and guidance for their day-to-day problems which is precisely what each of the 56 cards in the Minor Arcana relate to. As opposed to this, cards in the Major Arcana relate to bigger events in one’s life. A question posed by many an inquirer is whether one needs to have psychic powers to conduct a reading. The answer to this is tarot reading can be learnt and practiced by anybody with varying degrees of success. Having said this, there are, of course, various types of tarot decks but three characteristics are common to all. These are the number of cards, the illustration on each card and suits, most of which are integral to a tarot card explanation.

The 56 cards in the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits, each relating to the natural elements of air, earth, fire and water.

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