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There are 14 cards in each suit. The first 10 cards of each suit possess numbers from 1 to 10 while the last 4 cards carry an illustration of a king, knight, page and queen. The four suits in the Minor Arcana (Swords, Pentacles, Wands and Cups) have their own symbols and associations. Swords are associated with air, Pentacles with earth, Wands with fire and Cups with water. A tarot card explanation in the Minor Arcana can be better understood if you learn about the significance of the suits and their symbols.

Swords – A symbol associated with aggression, ambition, force and misfortune. This suit is associated with air and a forerunner of the ‘spade’ suit in a regular deck of playing cards.

Pentacles – This suit represents money and material gain and is associated with earth. The ‘diamond’ suit in a regular deck of playing cards has its origins in this suit.

Wands – This suit symbolizes enterprise, energy, animation, growth and glory. Wands are associated with fire and are forerunners of the ‘club’ suit in a regular deck of playing cards.

Cups – This suit represents happiness, fertility, beauty and emotion. It is associated with water and the ‘heart’ suit in today’s regular deck of playing cards originated from this suit.

Suits with their symbols and associations are essential for a tarot card explanation and reading of Minor Arcana cards. If you make a serious attempt to study the meanings of the illustrations and symbols printed on each card, you will be in a good position to interpret these elements and come up with a reading that may surprise you or your friends.

Craig M. is a writer for Visit, the online home of America’s Top Psychic, Sylvia Browne. Get a psychic reading for free at

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