person from one generation of witches to the next. Nothing was ever documented: perhaps out of fear, perhaps because of illiteracy or perhaps a little of both. Modern Witches can study the craft in a coven setup or on their own as solitaries. The book stores and the internet offer a large variety of high quality information to those wanting to learn the Craft.
Gardner developed the Book of Shadows concept. The Book of Shadows will typically contain the Creation Myth, the Rede, the Coven’s Laws, a herbal grimoire, correspondences, recipes for potions, oils, brews and incense, correspondences, a list of tools, ritual descriptions and Spells, amongst others. Considering the vast amount of wisdom and knowledge lost during the Burning Times, this is most appropriate practice – one that the vast majority of Wiccans diligently adhere to.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about modern witchcraft traditions here:
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