Hyper-artsy and Uber-fartsy, it is all about the power and the glory of the most manliest manly man thing a manly man can have…a moustache. Mister Moustache offers his opinions on what it is to be a man, and tells you how you too can have the power of the Universe residing upon your upper lip. Video Rating: 4 / 5
25 Responses to Moustache Moustache Moustache Moustache
I’m gonna grow a stache on the top of my head.. gives me something to do with the hair on my back….I just need to figure out how to move it…Does Ron have any advice…other than shaving and Glue
I grew a mo when I was 17. It has been on and off over the years. In the meantime I have had the George Michael stubble. Trust me – the women love it!! I’m a man!
Im growin a stash.
Fucking Sweet!
This really just…changes lives.
nice work chaps. grow it show it know it, class :{)
yeah mustaches are the best, and what kind of retards put you down, to have one is the manliest and to be like mario
lololololol he just punches a moustach onto his face
I just posted this on all my friend’s myspace pages, we love the moustache!!!
I’m gonna grow a stache on the top of my head.. gives me something to do with the hair on my back….I just need to figure out how to move it…Does Ron have any advice…other than shaving and Glue
Hilarious. I like the ending song too
i gotta grow one.
shut the hell up, you have a beard not a stash!
You, sir, are a genius.
Facking Eh! This is an amazing film. Whenever people start to get me down about having a stache I watch this film and I good to go.
I grew a mo when I was 17. It has been on and off over the years. In the meantime I have had the George Michael stubble. Trust me – the women love it!! I’m a man!
Are you encouraging people to respond with “moose-tache” evidence? lol.
(Mine isn’t many enough boo hoo)
i have a moustach and it is manly
This is realy one of my favorite on youtube.
Grow it! Show it!
Right on!
The great Freddie Mercusry having a moustache is incentive enough!
this is the DUMBEST thing ive ever seen
dude well done
this is twice as funny when you actually have a moustache hmmm or is it offensive? take a gander at my facial poetry!
Aztec’s didn’t have horses, when the Spanish turned up riding horse’s the Aztecs thought they were half man half deer