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I made a power point but I couldn’t figure out how to get it onto you tube so I suck fu*k it. I just videotaped the ppt lmao. I dedicated a good 2 hours to taking the photos and writing up the info – so this is my karmic good duty for the day =) Stones photographed and described (given the metaphysical and healing properties) include: –crysocolla –celestite –moss agate –botswana agate –blue lace agate –labradorite –sodalite –lepidolite (mica+lithium) –howlite –mookaite –jasper –kunzite –infinite –aventurine –flourite –prehnite and more – Im getting tired of typing. Comment!

Join Rev. Kevin Baird and I as we do some walking meditation and take a stroll up to Sticks and Stones Metaphysical shop. Blessings, Bob Hickman Psychic-Medium

19 Responses to Mucho info on healing stones not seen on youtube 20+

  • bs4anubis says:

    Fairfax?! I used to live there! But now i live in loudon county, just a few miles away!

  • fehquig says:

    Perfect weather for a walk… Seeing that perfect blue sky is enough to recharge my batteries.

  • mistressmoonwater says:

    Great video, as per usual.

  • 3dcutie says:

    I swear Kevin looks and sounds just like my eye doctor lol Its so strange. Maybe their related.

    Hope your doing well Bob!

  • imLayla25 says:

    great video 🙂 thanks
    that store look interesting 🙂

  • spiritchannel says:

    I LOVE doing “on the scene” videos! It is more interesting travelling around. Thank you for your kind words of friendship and encouragement. You ROCK! You are brilliant! Cheers, Mate.


  • JJPR0DUCTI0NS09 says:

    Thankyou! You are AMAZING!

  • spiritchannel says:

    I will send you a private e-mai with all the details. 🙂


  • lynx234 says:

    YAY! Great inspiration to get out and take a walking meditation–love this!

  • vinziant says:

    I wish, I lived up there; but where im going to collage at, imma try to..start..connecting with people on the streets; you see where i live at now, my place of..residents is..quite dangerous.

  • vinziant says:

    I wish I could..get my permit; but i’ll be drive in anything like that.

  • JJPR0DUCTI0NS09 says:

    AWESOME!! What are the prices and payment methods if you dont mind me asking!

  • spiritchannel says:

    JJ, You are so kind, thank you. As for readings, I do also do live reading via Skype and telephone, so anyone who wants to have a private hour reading with me can, even if they live far away. 😉



  • JJPR0DUCTI0NS09 says:

    Bob! I SOOO wish that I lived in the USA. I would visit you and buy a reading- It would be like meeting my Idol! Thankyou for you inspirational work, and I have spread your name to people I know share an interest in the spirit world!

    Bless You!

  • ForgottenLove896 says:

    did, y’all get the flooding from the rain storm?? it was terrifying trying to drive to school at 5:40 and i thought of you when they said alexandria was experiencing flooding!! parts of my campus were half under water!

  • saintfletcher says:

    It’s great incorporating a walk with a YouTube upload, I’ve been doing it for years. I don’t know why so many sit in a room and hide. It’s so much more interesting outside. It’s great to see you all walking out and about. You have been an inspiration for me Bob, your kindness and our chats on radio and on the phone. You really have quite a fan club now. That’s brilliant! Blessings FLETCHER

  • ronandetta says:

    your walks are always interesting .. and sticks and stones looks like an interesting place too visit..

  • abominableangel says:

    i have used the pendulum to find things ive lost, instead of going around the house i use a floor plan of my house top and bottom lol i ask it where said item is and hover it over each room if it spins over a certain room i know to look there

  • abominableangel says:

    i love going for walks with you .. makes me wish i was with you having a stroll and a chat feeling the wind in my hair …great
    blessed be )O(

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