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Cup. Mark the Fifth House from the Moon,

which is the Lakshmi ( Prosperity ) Sthana. One Jupiterian Cycle is 12 years and India brought the Cup

in 1983 ( 2 Jupiterian cycles before ). In 1971, Wadekar brought another laurel ( 3 Jupiterian cycles


In other words, Jupiter in the Fifth has been a great relief to a tottering India. India has been plagued by

the rise of Crude ( per barrel), increasing imports (181 b), increasing deficit (55 b) & increasing debt

(155 b ) !

Hope there will be many more records before Jupiter leaves Scorpio !

Article by G Kumar, astrologer, writer and programmer of He has 15 years research experience in Stock

Market Astrology and other in various other branches of Astrology. Recently

he was awarded a Certificate by the Planetary Gemologists Association as a Planetary Gem Advisor.

To subscribe to his Free ezine,the Z Files, click here

He is contactable at

this is one of my favorite chants. i do not know who it is by. and i used some anime pictures in there as well. i don’t own any of the pics. oh, and NO RUDE COMMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THIS VIDEO! if you have something rude and offensive to say go else where to say it. okay…i’ve been noticing a lot of fighting going on…can we knock it off please!!!! it is sending a lot of (pardon my language) shitty vibes. Christians (at least those who are extremely closed-minded and start arguments) though you have a right to your opinion and that’s all well and good, we don’t want you coming onto a pagan video and bashing our religion. we don’t do that to Christian videos and do that. (i can’t speak for everyone so pagans better not be doing that). now if you’re a true christian who practice the love and tollerance that Jesus had, welcome =D and please enjoy yourselves ^-^. Now, my fellow Brothers and sisters of the faith, i understand your dislike towards people bashing our faith. i’ll admit that i get pissed off too. but what people who start the agruments are after is a reaction. they want to piss you off. if we argue back with them then we’re giving them what they want. now if you’re answering in a neutral or positive tone fine but negativity is not going to make them go away. if we ignore them maybe they will. i already had to block 2 Christian extremeists from my videos and i’m sure u remember them Kamikaze and Call to Christians, i already had to block them and i don’t want
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